Floodplain Mapping & Risk Analysis

Dynamically model natural channels in rural and urban watersheds, taking into account flooded structures, backwater effects, spatially-distributed and dynamic rainfalls, groundwater interflow and flood inundation. Computed results can be animated in two-dimensions and projected obliquely in Google Earth.

PCSWMM allows dynamic modeling of natural channels in rural and urban watersheds, including flooded structures, backwater effects, spatially-distributed rainfall, groundwater interflow, tile drainage, base flow, HEC-RAS and HEC-DSS importing, automatic watershed delineation and discretization, flood inundation mapping, as well as integrated 1D-2D flood modeling and risk mapping.

  • Easily import HEC-RAS reaches and cross-sections
  • Read and write time series directly to/from HEC-DSS
  • Automatically discretize subcatchments and concentrated flow channels from DEMs
  • Quickly and easily estimate subcatchment-specific infiltration through area-weighting of soil-maps
  • Model dynamic storms with infinite spatial and temporal variations in rainfall
  • Integrate spatially variable rain-gage calibrated radar-rainfall easily with direct support for NEXRAD product downloading and automated processing (bias removal with rain gage data / area weighting to subcatchments/sewersheds, etc.), including support for the new dual pol. products. (e.g. instantaneous precipitation rate (DPR))
  • Account for interflow between groundwater and surface drainage, tile drainage, antecedent soil moisture, snow accumulation and melting
  • Analyze the effects of encroachments with transects and custom conduit shapes
  • Accurately model culverts under dynamically varying inlet and outlet control
  • Automatically generate DEM-based flood inundation polygons from SWMM5 model results, complete with 2D animation in either PCSWMM or Google Earth
  • Simulate overbank flooding with integrated 1D-2D modeling
  • Quickly analyze impacts to flood-vulnerable assets through graphical rendering, map animation and reporting