Our peer-reviewed, open-access Journal of Water Management Modeling. Expand your knowledge, get insights and discover new approaches that let you work more effectively.
The International Conference on Water Management Modeling. Meet your colleagues, share your experiences and be on the forefront of advances in our profession.
New Rain-On-Grid methodology for applying rainfall to 2D and obstructions
New Downspouts layer for specifying building/obstruction rainfall/runoff
Add "Show obstruction links" option to the Map tab in the Preferences dialog for rain-on-grid routing
New Inflow layer for specifying upstream inflows
New Profile layer for creating 2D profiles in the Profile panel
Support 2D mesh regeneration for a partial area, rather than regenerating the whole mesh
Support scenario time series comparison for 2D hydrographs, water surface elevations and 2D cell results
Do not create a 2D conduit if two cells share a very short border line
Improve 2D mesh generation: missing conduits between different resolution directional bounding polygons
Fix issue in 2D create raster tool that may cause water to show in zero depth cells
Fix issue in 2D mesh generation caused by complex bounding polygons
Improvements to Profile panel:
Add support for viewing 2D profiles based on drawn transects (new Profile layer)
Add Key map option to display plan view of the profile pathway
Add support for specifying the Y axis range (Max and Min)
Add Node/Link custom labeling
Add label style editor
Support HTML markup and multi-line labels
Move playback speed and looping controls to the animation toolbar
Save all profile properties with the profile favorite
Allow changing properties in multiple selected favorite profiles
Don’t draw HGL line under the conduit when there is an offset
Improvements to Python scripting:
Add pcpy.Tools (PyTools)
Add pcpy.Color
Add pcpy.FloodAnalysis (PyFloodAnalysis)
Add pcpy.TwoD for 2D tools (Py2D)
Add GeneratePoints to pcpy.TwoD (Py2DGeneratePoints)
Add CreateMeshto pcpy.TwoD (Py2DCreateMesh)
Add CreateRaster to pcpy.TwoD (Py2DCreateRaster)
Add CreateContours to pcpy.TwoD (Py2DCreateContours)
Add RasterToContour to pcpy.Tools (PyRasterToContour)
Add Properties to pcpy.Layer (PyLayerProperties, PySection, PyLabel, PyPointSymbology, PyLineSymbology, PyPolygonSymbology)
Add PointStyle, LineStyle, FillStyle, LabelPosition and LabelAlignment to pcpy.Enum
Add Vertices property for visible objects in input files (PyNode, PyLink, PySubcatchment, etc.)
Add set_auto_length() method to pcpy.SWMM and pcpy.EPANET
Export Design Storm to Python pcpy.Tools.DesignStorm (PyDesignStorm)
Allow specifying type of file for saving/opening in pyform.add_textbox_with_button
Enhance PyForm.add_label and pcpy.show_messagebox to support HTML syntax label
Add warning message regarding the deprecation of IronPython
Support unzipping .nbz files during script import
Support install.py file
Upgrade JupyterLab to version 4.2.5
Add PCSWMM Examples in the JupyterLab launcher
PCSWMM Python installation is now optional and can be deferred until needed for specific features
Add Arrow and Callout to shape types in Print Preview
Support HTML text formatting in Print Preview
Add System Curve Analyzer tool (EPANET)
Fully support the Spanish language in the PCSWMM interface
Add "Split time series by events" tool to the Edit tab in the Graph panel
Add option for creating inter-event events to the Duration-based tab in the Auto-Select Events tool
Add an option to just highlight the perimeter of the selected polygon (see Preferences dialog)
Allow animating pipe arrows based on absolute Flow time series in EPANET
Allow animating link arrows based on absolute Flow/Velocity time series in SWMM5
Add option to create high resolution contours with the Create contours tool
Add support for Currency and Textbox data type for attributes (with units combobox in Restructure dialog)
Allow user to only import specific attributes in the Import Structure dialog (see Restructure Layer)
Improve the speed of the Area Weighting tool
Improve the speed of the 2D Create Contours tool
Improve the speed of the Risk Map tool
Provide option to stretch profile to fit full x-axis for both 1D and 2D profiles in the Profile panel
Improved Y-axis label sizing for multiple functions in the Graph panel
Support square brackets [ ] to extract attribute values in Replace/Auto expressions in addition to { }.
Support compressed LiDAR (.laz) file format
Add Quick Labels to the Map menu
Use coordinate system from opened layers for a new layer instead of map CS when no project is open
Support Name attribute in Data Source flagging
Add DEM Slope to the WDT Channels layer
Improve Set Invert tool to check selected links first if selected only option is chosen
Allow the entry of any number of threads in the Simulation Options editor
Don't make step time series if plotting rainfall as Stick/Bar
Don't copy time series file when exporting 2D cells layer
Add options of interval size and number of intervals and min/max values to the 2D create contours tool
Add "Keep holes" option to the Edit Parts tool
Add additional Tc methods for ARM
Improve the transect creator tool
Improve the MUSLE erosion calculations
Allow zero roughness for conduits with IRREGULAR/STREET cross sections
Support seconds in Time steps for EPANET models
Add "Show in Windows Explorer" to the Script Manager
Add "Visible layers only" to the Package Project dialog
Add SQL query option for data source layer to the Spatial Weighting tool
Layer Properties: change default label back color to white
Resolve warning messages when installing requirements
Fix summing issue if multiple downspouts route to the same node
Fix one issue: failed select profile from downstream to upstream
Fix issue: cannot import NOAA data (RAP project)
Fix issue: Cannot modify GA conductivity attribute if infiltration model is set to CN
Fix issue: Time series is marked as inactive if it is only used by a control rule
Fix issue: the pipe sizing tool throws an error when it encounters a forcemain conduit
Fix issue: saved profile favorites not loaded in the EPANET project
Fix issue: 2D cells not deleted after turning off 2D modeling and saving as
Fix issue: PCSWMM hangs when RunSWMM5 is corrupt
Fix issue: cannot export storages
Fix issue: some deleted junctions/cells not counted in the 2D mesh generation report
Fix issue: renaming an object in Python script does not update reference if it is not the current project
Fix issue: Renumber tool reports errors if there are control rules in the project
Fix issue: node vertex not saved correctly after changing number of decimals
Fix issue: flow time series not calculated correctly for vertical hydrograph lines
Fix issue: cannot import data source
Fix issue: failed importing time series from .csv file
Fix issue: Geom(3) not always being assigned correctly for conduits in between obstructions
Fix Issue: Generate 2D points gives different results in run for selected polygons or for all entities buffering from obstructions
Fix issue: Stopping sequential runs does not kill RunSWMM5.exe
Fix issue: Help link from EPANET Control Rules Editor takes you to SWMM Control Rules editor
Fix issue: Generate 2D points does not work for specific resolution values
Version 7.6.3695 November 24, 2023
New SWMM engines
Improvements and optimizations
Bug fixes
Support SWMM 5.2.2, SWMM 5.2.3 and SWMM 5.2.4
Add street editor
Add inlet editor
Add inlet usage editor
Add None to the Normal Flow Criterion
Support Raingage, Variable and Expression in Control rule editor
Support Inlet object for Conduits
Support street cross-section type for Conduits
Add a new conduit property: inlet usage
Draw inlets and connectivity on the Conduits layer
Add "Show conduit inlets" option to the preferences dialog
A Type 5 variable speed pump
Support pre-defined shapes for Storage Units with the attributes MajorLength, MinorLength, SideSlope and Height
Support the Rain Barrel LID covered property
In Climatology - Temperature tab add more options for GHCN climate files
Table panel now supports
Street object table
Inlet and inlet usage table
Add "Covered" attribute to rain barrel table
Add the four new attributes to Storages table
Details panel changes to support new objects and attributes:
Compare default
Compare scenarios
Pull from other scenarios
SRTC changes to support new objects and attributes
Support the four new attributes of the Storage layer
Support Streets
Support Inlets
Support Inlet usages
Import support for new objects/attributes
Push changes support for new objects/attributes
Street flow summary table added to the status report
Perform model content compatibility check when switching to an earlier version of the SWMM engine
Improvements to Python Scripting:
Move Scripting Editor to a panel
Add JupyterLab support (launch via a button in the scripting panel) uses Python 3.10.10
Standardize scripting to Python version 3.10.10 (other versions can be specified via Environments editor)
Install Python 3.10.10 with PCSWMM along with the following common Python libraries:
Add an option to the Create Installer tool to encrypt scripts to a .pyb file (protects critical scripts from being changed and the code from being viewed)
Add Script File Properties dialog for setting script tags, etc.
Add "Clear Startup" and “Close All” menu item to the Scripting panel
Support adding a WebView2 browser to pyForm for more advanced JavaScript support
Add PyForm.add_webview2()
Support adding tab control to PyForm
Add PyForm.add_tab_control() to return PyTabControl type
Add PyTabControl.add_page() to return PyTabPage type
Change PyLayer.get_entities() so that "Touches" works the same as the Select by location tool
Add PyGeometry.smooth() to support smoothing line entities
Add PyLayer.CategoryOrder[] to support ordering attribute category
Add support for in-memory layer in PyGIS.add_layer()
Add PyAttribute.Readonly to support results attribute
Add pcpy.PCSWMMFolder to retrieve the folder PCSWMM was installed to
Support icon button: add_icon_button(image_name)
Support placeholder in PyAttribute.Units
Support for opening and returning data from a raster layer
Add pcpy.Map.RasterLayers - return a dictionary of raster layers (key = layer name, value = PyRasterLayer object)
Add pcpy.Map.RasterLayer – get a raster layer by name, PyRasterLayer object
Add pcpy.Map.open_layer (layer_name) – return a PyRasterLayer object
Update X/Y field decimals to 6 digits when reprojecting a project to WGS
Update vertices in the input file when opening an older version of project using WGS
Add transparency capability to the layer properties for pixel/image layers
Add another capability to the length mode for the Split tool for links
Add keyboard shortcut to panel menus (Alt + M)
Add keyboard shortcuts for Jump to next surcharge event in the Profile panel (Alt + J)
Keep blank row at bottom of grids to make it easier to append data in the Transect Editor grid
Support ARM in scenario runs
Add Edit mode "Simplify" to the Map panel
Add Edit mode "Densify" to the Map panel
Add Stitch Editing tool in the Graph panel
Add new tool "Raster to Polygon"
Add back support for Direct 2D
Support save/load rendering properties for all layers in the project (in Layer Properties dialog)
Hydromodification tool improvements:
detailed report
plot Q2-Q10 year thresholds
Hydromodification report can now be saved to a PDF file
Allow middle button panning of map under Edit/Add mode in the Map panel
Use WebView2 control for the News page, Help page and the Workbook step-by-step exercises
Convert Script Editor to a panel (for more flexibility) and update scripting tool bar
Support resizing project/attributes panels (width of left and right panels in the main PCSWMM window)
Make change to the Dual Drainage Creator tool to support the new streets and inlets
Make changes to the list of Error functions:
Add Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Add Mean Absolute Percentage Error
Add Median Absolute Percentage Error
Remove Coefficient of Determination
Remove Standard Error of Estimate
Check before running a 2D model and show a warning if all nodes/links are not set to report (Simulation Options > Reporting)
Add support for storage polygons in the Storage creator tool
Rewrite fire flow analysis tool
Change EPANET Junction Demand Category attribute to read-only
Change Subcatchment LID controls attribute to read-only for multiple selection
Add Huff type Edmonton design storms
Update Chicago type Edmonton design storms
Do not include units for the Rainfall column and axis in the Design Storm Creator if no SWMM project with units is opened
SQLite update (from 3.39.1 to 3.40.0)
Support PyTimeSeriesLocation.OADates and PyTimeSeriesLocation.Values
Add PyTimeSeriesLocation.set_data(object oadates, object values) to resolve PyDateTime speed issues for CPython
Add readonly properties pcpy.SWMM.UnitSystem and pcpy.EPANET.UnitSystem
Support PyDateTimeValue.OADate - to return a float value in days
Adding Time at max ... column after the maximum values in the first two tables: rainfall even statistics and entity event maximums
Check fire flow tool before using it
Optimize Valve/Pump layer display for EPANET project
Fix Voronoi decomposition for Numeric attributes = Blank
Fix one issue where shared favorites could be deleted if they are being edited in multiple PCSWMM instances
Fix one issue related to saving data to the .db file
Fix one issue with IDF analysis tool and auto-selecting events
Fix one issue that can cause the Freeboard attribute to not be correct after unpacking project
Fix one issue that can cause PCSWMM to hang at the end of installation
Fix one issue that can cause PCSWMM to hang when using the WDT tool
Fix one issue that can cause ARM subcatchments to be lost after opening an older version of the project
Fix one issue that can cause duplicate events when Auto Selecting Events
Fix one issue that can prevent pollutant results from being saved in the _2D_cells_Results table
Fix one issue that can cause the X and Y coordinates in the attributes panel to be different than the table
Fix one issue that can cause SWMM5 layers to not be shown in the extent manager
Fix one issue in r-squared error calculation for Scatter plots
Fix one issue that can prevent the bookmark from being shown after switching scenario in the Status panel
Fix one issue in which the scenario report might not be shown after project is open
Fix one issue that can cause PCSWMM to hang when saving the input file after deleting a link in a saved profile
Fix one issue: column order not saved in the table favorite
Fix one issue: that can cause a SWMM run to not use available CPU cores and thus run slower
Fix one issue in reading project title: do not read header as title
Fix one issue in control rules: Link MaxDepth should be FullDepth
Fix one issue: pcpy.EPANET.Options.Quality.Parameter = 'Chlorine' will throw an error
Fix one issue in print preview: map extents blank
Fix one error in the Risk map tool
Fix one bug: duplicate 2D cells in the mesh generation
Fix one bug: missing or extra conduits in the mesh generation
Fix one bug: cannot set unknown coordinate system as default
Fix one issue in Coordinate System editor
Fix one bug: EPANET reaction report tool Reaction Rate values are incorrect
Fix one issue: clicking a link under Time-Step Critical Elements in SWMM Status panel does not select the entity and display in Attributes panel
Fix one issue: Date and Time of pyDateTimeValue returns null
Fix one bug: the Status bar says the result is out of date after saving without any changes to the model
Fix one bug when opening Preferences dialog from Map panel
Fix one bug in error calculation in the Scatter plot
Version 7.5.3406 May 20, 2022
Improvements and optimizations
Bug fixes
Improvements to Python scripting:
Add support for PythonNET (CPython)
Add Environments Manager for CPython
Add Python interpreter button to the toolbar
Add “Create pyi file…”
Setup Python environments when importing a pyi file
Show changes in red color in the watch window
Add Go To tab to Find/Replace dialog in Script editor
Add to_WGS() and from_WGS() to PyCoordinateSystem
Add pcpy.Map.zoom_to()
Add PyLayer.zoom_to()
Add pcpy.SWMM.set_scenarios()
Add pcpy.SWMM.add_scenarios()
Add pcpy.Map.Locked property
Add PySubcatchment.clear_lid_usages()
Fix issue in pcpy.EPANET.Notes
Fix one issue: PyGeometry.get_point_on_line return point X/Y is dependent on Bing Map on/off
Fix one issue: pcpy.EPANET.FilePath is not cleared when the project is closed
Fix one issue: EPANET script - model entities order does not follow the order they are added by pcpy.EPANET.add_xx
Fix one issue: cannot edit node inflows/treatment, link control rules, sub lidcontrol, lidnames
Fix one issue: setting result attribute does throw an error message
Improvements to EPANET project:
Support EPANET derived time series in map animation and comparing timeseries
Animate link flow direction arrowhead during animation in EPANET project
Improve link arrow drawing: draw arrowhead more consistently in the middle of the link
Add support for fire zones in fire flow analysis
Allow zero fire flow value
Add critical junction attribute for fire flow analysis
Fix one bug: Join pipes tool does not work
Fix one bug: reservoir Max Demand and Total Demand Volume attributes exist in the Restructure dialog but not in the Attributes panel
Fix one bug: auto-length does not work when adding a EPANET pipe
Fix one issue in demand table: Round to 2 decimals when multiply by an integer
Add Min interevent time for objective function tab
Add "Min interevent time (hrs):" to Objective tab in the Graph panel
Add "Min interevent time (hrs):" to Objective tab in the SRTC tool
Add "Min interevent time (hrs):" to the Sensitivity plot tab in the SRTC tool
Support "Min interevent time" for number of exceed/deficit
Save objective function with min interevent time
Add optional min interevent time to Python script (PyTimeSeriesLocation.get_objective_function())
Add optional values for ObjFn replace function for specifying min. interevent time
When calculating interevent time, use the intersecting time as when we calculate duration, rather than using point time
New Events Analysis tool
Add support for including multiple scenarios in a single packaged project
Support comparing ARM scenario timeseries in the Graph panel
Add support for including multiple scenarios in a single packaged project
Hide 2D cells for which depth is zero when animating WSE
Adjust 2D cell depths for 1D-2D nodes when animating Depth/Volume
Allow any length simulation period for real time run
Add a "Reproject" option to the Export Vector Layer tool
Improve saving the project's input file through the use of a temp file
Improve saving the project's .db file to a network drive by using temp local copy
Optimize Details panel display for SWMM and EPANET project input files
Add truncate button to the Details panel for SWMM5 project
Optimize the Clean Polygon tool
Improve Auto-Select Events tool: Add Weekly option to Date-based tab
Refresh objective function after mouse wheel zoom
Delete partial output/report files after unpackaging a project
When the report file version does not match SWMM engine version, flag results as "Results from XX"
Adjust drawing trapezoidal conduit cross-section in Attributes panel
Fix one issue: ARM subcatchments may be lost after opening an older version of project
Fix one issue: workbook step-by-step image may not show in Windows 11
Fix one issue: splitting conduits may cause loss of vertices
Fix one issue: conduit's slope may not be updated after setting node invert elevation from DEM
Fix one issue: when converting subcatchment to ARM with Bing tile map on
Fix one issue: area weighting using lookup table may incorrectly report percentages
Fix one issue: documentation is reset when packaging a project the second time
Fix one issue: PCSWMM may crash when importing time series from Excel
Fix one issue: project notes may not be saved
Fix one issue: Map panel will zoom out when turning on a tile map if no project is open
Fix one issue: folder was added to 2D layer name in Layer's panel even if the layer does not exist
Fix one issue: while editing culvert code, if no code is selected, clicking OK will throw an error message
Fix one issue: GW equations may not load properly
Fix one issue: duplicate links/nodes in the profile
Fix one issue: don't check outfalls in the storage creator tool
Fix one issue: keep opening the project even if there was an error in a layer
Fix one issue: keep opening the project even if there was an error in the .db file
Fix one issue: cannot package a project stored on a network drive
Fix one issue: .db file is missing after Save As if the project is stored on a network drive
Fix one issue: can open a project with missing .db file
Fix one issue: add support for fixing corrupt .db file
Fix one issue: fix a bug in saving field value list
Fix one issue: stop the .db file from growing
Version 7.4.3240 May 14, 2021
Improvements and optimizations
File format change
Bug fixes
Replace SHP layers with in-memory layers to simplify file structure, improve performance and avoid data async issues.
New Export tool for exporting model layers / synchronizing to external layers
Improve functionality for importing model layers / synchronizing from external layers
EPANET Project improvements:
Gate sensitivity tool and Source tracing scenario
Support equation for EPANET pumps
Show warning after EPANET run
Fix one issue: 0 should be a valid Tank reaction coefficient
Fix one issue: 0 should be a valid Pipe bulk/wall reaction coefficient
Fix one issue in opening EPANET .net file with a large number of nodes/links
Python script improvements:
Add PyEPANET.SimpleControls
Add PyGeometry.LengthInM and PyGeometry.AreaInM2
Add four new properties to PyScenario
Support File geodatabase and geopackage layer in PyGIS.open_layer
Add PyLayer.close()
Add PyForm.add_grid()
Support residence time and water age modeling (SWMM5_1_912_v1)
Support residence time derived time series
Support IBM Water XML time series file format
New Extract Select Content tool to the Graph panel (option under Graph panel > Save > Save As...)
Change WMS layer to Web Service layer (add support to WFS, WCS and WMTS layer)
Remove Lock/Unlock Layer button and add Import button to the Map panel toolbar
Improve exporting time series to the Excel file format
Optimize exporting speed to geopackage files
Optimize UI speed for SWMM projects with a large number of time series objects
Save report settings for TSP project
Set default rendering after Dual drainage created
Improve Select Upstream/Downstream command to search from selected entities in multiple layers
Improve section creator break points when using rounding and equal intervals
Fix one issue: notification doesn't show up after SWMM5 run
Fix one issue in editing node X/Y from the Attributes panel
Fix one issue in Scatter plot: Axes swap in print preview
Fix one issue in Transect creator: overbank elevation is very different
Fix one bug: failed opening File Geodatabase layer
Fix one bug in set closest conduit tool: special cast is invalid
Fix one bug in SRTC tool: observed time series does not work for link Capacity
Fix one bug in Storage creator tool: storage curve does not work when OSM is on
Fix one bug in Buffer polygon tool: error when negative offset is too large
Fix issue in Python script related to displaying script errors
Fix issue where query is incorrect when creating layer rendering sections for boolean attribute
Fix one issue: slowness in script run when updating a field which is set as label
Fix one issue: subcatchment width not updated after switching flow units
Fix one issue: loading an .ini file in the Layer Properties dialog doesn’t update the Active state in the Layers panel
Fix one issue: 64 bit PCSWMM crashes if the first POI is a .pdf file and show PDF is on
Fix one issue: running PCSWMM after installation results network drive issue
Fix one issue: field not updated after removing all control rules in the Control Rules editor
Fix one issue: cannot split very short conduit (<5)
Fix one bug: Elevation offset causes exception in Set Drops/Losses and Align Conduit Crown tool
Fix one issue: PCSWMM failed opening GeoPackage layers when switching scenario and the layers are already opened
Fix one issue: Opening a scenario does not open the exercise book
Fix one issue: PySubcatchment returns incorrect groundwater parameters
Fix one issue in Transect creator tool when splitting conduits with Bing maps on
Fix one issue in Auto-select events tool: exception when year is extremely large
Fix one issue: Cannot open File Geodatabase layer if it has French or Chinese character in its name
Version 7.3.3095 August 18, 2020
Significant new features
Improvements and optimizations
Bug fixes
New support for EPANET 2.2 engine
New support for SWMM 5.1.014 engine
New support for SWMM 5.1.015 engine
Improvements to EPANET project
Add fire flow results attributes to EPANET junctions layer
Set 6 decimal places for the junction Demand attribute
Update curve type after loading input file
Add "Simple Control" attribute to the links layer
New and improved raster tools
New Raster Calculator tool, supports Python expressions
New Add Raster Feature tool
New Raster to Contour tool
New Polygon to Raster tool
Update Points to Raster tool with 6 new methods: inverse distance weighting, kriging interpolation, spline interpolation, heat map, concentration map and point cloud
New Create Raster tool (2D tools) to create rasters from 2D results
Improve Merge/Resample Raster Layers tool
Update Slope from DEM tool with additional method to sample slopes along flow lines
Add offset option to the Elevation from DEM tool
New Spatial Weighting tool (replaces Area Weighting tool) for setting single or multiple attributes
Supports weighting from both raster and vector layers (incl. point, line and polygon layers)
Supports Nearest, Replace, Distribute, Sum, Maximum, Minimum, Majority, Mean and Area Weighting methods
Supports lookup tables for weighting from discrete value raster and vector layers
New Select by Location tool (replaces Select by Polygon tool) for selecting entities based on their topological relationship to other entities
Supports Intersects, Touches, Contains, Crosses, Disjoint, Equals and Within A Distance Of relationships
Outcomes include Add to Selection, Replace Selection and Remove from Selection
New Reduce Selection command (Map > Find menu) to reduce selection to current layer
New Delete Entities dialog for more control over deleting selected entities on multiple layers
New Duration Control analysis (Graph panel > Duration tab)
Support Duration Control graph favorites and print preview
Improvements to Script editor
Support .pyi files for single file distribution and installation of complicated scripts and libraries
Support debugging
Support breaking points and watch window
Support editing multiple scripts in multiple tabs
Script manager organizes script files by tags in a tree view
New PyForm class to create PCSWMM-like dialogs in Python script. Supports automatic and manual layout of controls, including buttons, check boxes, check list boxes, combo boxes, radio buttons, images, labels, text boxes and web browser controls
New PyProgressBar class
New PyProfile class
New PyNote and PyNotes classes
New PyCoordinateSystem class
New PyTextMessage class
New PyEvents class
New ability to show message boxes with a variety of standard and custom buttons (pcpy.show_messagebox)
Support multi-part shape in PyGeometry/PyLayer class
New pcpy.IgnoreRainfall, pcpy.IgnoreFlowRouting, etc.
New PyGeometry.is_left() method
Add StartDate and StartTime to pcpy.EPANET
Add InfilType to PySubcatchment
Add InfilModel to PySubcatchment
Add PySWMMOption.set_infil_model()
Make PyEPANETInputFile.Version editable
Change PySWMMInputFile.SWMM5Version to Version
Ignore nested functions in Python script tree list
Release memory after script run
New ability to integrate script buttons into the PCSWMM UI (under Import, Save&Send, Map Tools and Run Simulation)
New support for GeoPackage layer format
New ability to draw the DEM ground surface in Profile panel (Profile Properties > DEM option)
New ability to select a profile pathway through a 2D mesh by drawing a line
New options for Auto-Selecting profiles (upstream or downstream orientation)
Automatically update saved profile favorites when splitting or joining links
New option to list the entities displayed in the Profile panel in sequential order of appearance (Table Panel > Menu > Profile Only)
New ability to explicitly specify the map scale in Print Preview (Map object > Map Scale property)
Improved support for newer DWG and DXF files
Improve map legend for both Map panel and Print Preview
Show attribute name and units for gradient rendering
Show legend for 2D animation
Show legend for raster layers
Support large gradient option for Map panel legend (default)
Support Alpha channel (opacity) in all color selection editors (including both vector and raster map rendering)
Improve the Layer Properties dialog
Support setting rendering style for multiple shape types in one layer
Support HTML formatting for layer labels
Add Anti-Aliasing option for raster layers
Add outline style to layer properties
Add show cell instantaneous depths/WSE/velocities rendering options to the 2D rendering tool
Add text search functionality to the Details and Status panels
Add support for Direct2D in Graph panel
Add support for UF radar file format (RAP project)
Add support for NetCDF Grid radar file (RAP project)
Improve Set Outlet tool: add optional tag filter to constrain possible nodes
Change Outfall entity's "Route To" attribute to a dropdown list and support "Auto-select" and "Select in map"
Speed up copying and pasting from one column to the other in the Table panel (for large data sets)
Changes to the Watershed Delineation Tool's flow path lines layer
Truncate flow path lines to the boundaries of the subcatchments created by the WDT tool
Rename flow path lines in WDT tool to reflect the subcatchment they intersect
Show Tile Map layer in Layer Properties popup to allow changing transparency
Support ARM subcatchments when creating submodel
Include ARM layer when georeferencing all SWMM5 layers
Check ARM subcatchments for unused rain gage
Support ability to specify Y offset separately from X offset when copying and pasting shapes and in the dual drainage creator tool, and support negative offsets
Support triple-clicking to select all text in any text box
Set default project name when creating a duplicate scenario
Set default names when creating hydrograph lines (2D)
Set Use field to True when creating/importing transects to the transect layer
Don't allow editing Control Rules field
Add control for the font size in the Scale object in Print Preview
Add GIS_PARTS column to the Table panel for vector layers
Add ability to use Direct2D rendering in the Graph panel (Properties > Use Direct2D)
Support holes in polygon shapes when exporting to KML
Improve weir illustration in the Attributes panel (slope for v-notch/trapezoidal weirs, display roadway weir)
Add "2D flow only" to when creating 2D hydrograph line time series (Map Tools > 2D modeling > Create Time Series > Hydrograph Lines)
Add "Show changes only" option to Auto-Connect tool
Improve Transect creator tool
Map coordinate system can now be different from the layer coordinate system
Set transect layer USE field to 'YES' when creating missing field
Display AM/PM for result time field
Show DEM layer name in DEM Slope in the Attributes panel
Add Copy Down button to the Adjustments table in the climatology editor
Do not show seasonal pattern columns in the Table if the SWMM engine is not set to the relevant OpenSWMM version
Allow decimal values in Desbordes design storm (EU versions only)
Remove options for pan redraw in the Preferences dialog (always on)
Check for same inlet/outlet node when adding/editing link
Improve Rename Entities tool to support multiple subcatchments with the same outlet and fix issue when Apply to All is selected
Fix one bug in reprocess NEXRAD radar: bias should not use previous results
Fix intermittent sync issue in Save Project As function
Fix units issue in storage calculator
Fix one issue in SRTC tool: don't show error and close when some runs failed
Fix scale issue in map print
Fix one issue (duplicate name) in renaming selected subcatchments with shared outlet nodes
Fix one bug in print preview: legend title font size is reset if Large/Small font is chosen
Version 7.2.2785 April 5, 2019
Significant new features
Improvements and optimizations
Bug fixes
Add support for SWMM5.1.013
Improvements to EPANET modeling
New fire flow analysis tool
Add results statistics as EPANET layer attributes for querying/rendering
Display icons for pumps and valves on links in Map panel
Do not draw connectivity arrows for pipes in EPANET
Add Demands Editor to the Project panel
Add Demands table to the Table panel
Support importing Demands from another EPANET input file
Support Demands when pushing changes to scenarios
Load all time series from EPANET output file after run for quick access in Graph panel and for plan-view animations
Add all time series from output file to EPANET layers to display instantaneous values as attributes during playback
Check the first seven characters of pollutant/landuse name for duplicate when opening an SWMM5 input file
Use 2 or 3 decimal places for Head time series instead of 4 sig figs in Objective functions (Graph panel)
Join tool now sets LID control area to sum of all LID areas in source subcatchments
EPANET pattern editor: multiply x-axis by pattern time step for graphing purposes
Remove "Solid Lines" option from the Graph properties
Check for switched X & Y transect data (if X data not incremental, switch X & Y to match behaviour of EPA SWMM5 GUI)
Optimize table selection in various tools
Optimize set outlet tool to support large number of subcatchments
Optimize opening large events file (>8000)
Optimize refreshing table in the Events tab with support for canceling operation
Fixes in Summary/Comparison tool: remove “Total subcatchment runoff coefficient” from summary tool and fix an issue with the calculation of number of surcharged conduits
Fix missing conduits problem in 2D mesh generation
Fix one bug in auto selection of profiles in EPANET project
Fix one issue in importing from HEC RAS where transects were not imported
Fix one issue in importing HAS order to Philadelphia (KDIX) in RAP project
Fix one bug in Set Invert tool regarding interpolation
Version 7.0.2340 February 24, 2017
Significant new features
Improvements and optimizations
Bug fixes
Add support for SWMM5.1.012 (point release on 2017.06.16)
Add support for OPENSWMM5.1.912 (point release on 2017.06.16)
Support EPANET 2 for water distribution modeling
Support Data Source rendering in the Table panel
Replace Uncertainty button with Render button
Add data source picker to the table panel toolbar
Manage data source with data source manager
Show data source legend under layer tables
Make changes to the Import tool
Support import favorites for storing multiple layer import settings
Change source layer control to drop-down list of loaded background layers
Support mathematical expressions in attribute field matching table
Support importing new entities only (option)
Support restructure layer directly inside the import tool
Support setting Tag attribute
Support setting data source for imported attributes
Support map charting and chart favorites in the layer properties dialog
Directly browse and open vector layers from ESRI File Geodatabase in layer browser
Support opening multiple layers from ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Support XML time series format in the Graph panel
Improve report tool to report saved graphs to XML time series files
Improve report tool to write saved graphs to multiple time series files
Support Hour/Minute when importing time series with Name specified
Support bottom single line legend in the Graph panel
Support commenting out all rules in control rules editor
Assign unit hydrographs to the created raingage when creating design storm scenarios
Avoid JET engine usage in both the layer browser and extent manager to avoid JET issues in 64 bit PCSWMM
Add Help button and F1 key support to all dialogs and tools to open relevant help article
Add automatic calculation of upstream area for all links and nodes
Add WEIGHT() and NUMVERTICES() functions to expressions in the Replace tool
Rename "Points" to "Vertices" in the Attributes panel (under Shape category)
Add color column to design storm/events scenario creator tool
Add “Select all” button to Scenario properties dialog
Add “Underline headings” option to the Legend object in Print Preview
Add "Exclude 2D nodes" option to the Set Outlet tool
Add Rim Elevation and Flow length attributes to the Attributes distribution tool
Move files to recycle bin when deleting a layer (to support recovery via Windows OS)
Exclude background web tiles layer when packaging project
Restore missing default soil lookup tables for Area weighting tool
Add support for scenario mode when computing storage required in the Storage tab of the Graph panel
Add support for storing Web Map Service (WMS) layer links in a packaged project
Fix bug: Min. Freeboard not set for non-surcharge node in the Summary tool
Fix bug: Select Within does not work when “search all SWMM5 layers” is chosen
Fix bug: toolbar not shown in the Summary tool occasionally
Fix bug: splitting subcatchments does not work with web tiles background layer displayed
Fix bug: fail to import from DXF file
Fix bug: reading control rules timeseries from SWMM5 report file (for SWMM5.1.011)
Fixed a bug that can cause an SRTC calibration run to fail
Fixed a bug that prevents Duration graphs from being output correctly in the Reporting tool
Fixed a bug that can prevent the input file from updating properly when "Apply" button is clicked in Set DEM Elevation tool
Version 6.3.2220 September 16, 2016
Significant new features
Improvements and optimizations
Bug fixes
Support SWMM5.1.011
Add “Events” tab to the Options editor
Add “Replace Events in Simulation Options” to the Graph panel menu
Show Storage tab for Rain Garden in the LID editor
Support time series from new version of LID report file
Support OPENSWMM5.1.911
Based on SWMM5.1.011
Support seasonal hydrologic modelling
Add conduit max. volume statistics to the Report file
Add new GIS tools:
Create DEM layer from points layer
Create points layer from DEM layer
Set subcatchment/polygon slope from DEM layer
Buffer selected polygons, lines or points
Clip polygon shapes with one or more polygon masks
Clip DEM layer with one or more polygon masks
Edit DEM (i.e. remove DEM features)
Georeference raster or vector layers using ground control points
Merge/resample DEM layers
Add support for reprojecting DEM layers
Optimize 2D model creation
Improve 2D nodes generation speed
Work on each part separately if bounding polygon contains multiple parts
Check to remove points inside obstructions after 2D nodes generated
Check obstructions for 2D nodes layer only (not for Elevation point layer)
Parallel process the generation of rectangular or hexagonal points
Improve 2D mesh generation speed
Cut-off obstructions from 2D cells after 2D cells generated
Parallel process the setting of Wall/No Wall option from obstruction layer
Optimize sampling elevation from the Elevation point layer
Optimize conduit generation to avoid missing conduits
Speed up mesh creation when using elevations layer
Optimize calculating conduit roughness from bounding polygons
Always enable Bing Maps (don't check with CHI server first)
Add Tile Map Server Manager to support user-defined tile map services
Add favorites to the Map panel to store all layer properties, visibility and order
Improvements to Print Preview:
Add “Saved map” property to map object
Add “Map” property to legend object
Add support multiple legends (one for each map object)
Add additional compass styles
Exclude invalid extents from the extent dropdown list of the Map object
Restrain proportions when resizing icon objects
Fix one issue where font size isn't restored after print preview in the Graph panel
Improvements to SRTC tool
Add support for calibration of user-defined attributes used in auto-expressions
Add support for calibration of Node Rim Elevation and Subcatchment Flow Length attributes
Add support for calibration of ground water bottom elevation, initial elevation and initial moisture attributes
Support objective function in the Replace tool and Auto-expressions - allows use of statistics calculated on the entity's associated time series in attribute expressions
Improvements to editing multi-part line/polygon
Allow direct selection of any vertex in any part
Allow dragging, deletion and addition of vertices in any part
Allow removal of part by deletion of all vertices in part
Add three more seasonal patterns for the Horton infiltration attributes
Support OPENSWMM5.1.910.1 for additional (Horton infiltration) seasonal patterns
Add "Ignore entities with Tag equal to:" option to Attribute Validation tool
Add “Duplicate” function to the options menu in the Transect editor for duplicating selected transect objects
Use decimal places defined in the layer when calculating attributes in the Area Weighting, Split and Join tools
Read date/time from SWMM5 output file (rather than assuming a fixed time step)
Add "Hide Description in Table panel" option to the Preferences dialog to avoid displaying this potentially wide column by default.
Add “Include 2D links” option to the Preferences dialog for optionally hiding flow arrows for 2D links only
Add support for importing time series from an Excel file with more than 255 columns
Add a Copy button to the Fix Document File Path dialog
Add Copy to PowerPoint image function to the copy menu in the Graph panel and the SRTC tool to optimize copied graph image for PowerPoint slides
Add Copy PowerPoint format to the copy function in the Profile panel to optimize copied profile image for PowerPoint slides
Display statistics (Count, Total, Mean, Max, Min) for selected Table panel cells in the Status bar
Add “Interpolate Event Return Periods” command to the Options menu in the Events tab in the Graph panel for calculating return periods at fixed intervals (100y, 50y, 25y, 10y, 5y, 2y, 1y, 6mo, 3mo, 1mo)
Add Difference and Percent Difference modes to Scatter tab in the Graph panel for plotting the difference on the Y axis, rather than the value
Add Preview large file (image) to the Documentation panel
Optimize (speed up) objective/error function calculation for large time series data sets
Optimize label positioning in the Profile panel
Optimize process to save custom summary items
Improve summary tool to fix missing items
Improve Clean Polygons tool to remove holes
Improve Hydro-Modification calculation to exclude empty data points
Show table queries in the title bar in the Table panel (to remind user and allow for quick removal)
Always save coordinate system for layer when set
Do not raise Rim Elevation when connecting major conduits to minor nodes directly
Enable selecting block of text in the Details panel and the Status panel
Add support for multiple upstream subcatchments in MUSLE inflow calculation
Add support for IF function for string field type in the Replace tool
Add support for brackets in expression text strings in the Replace tool
Add support for more than 256 columns in the Objective/Error function tables in the Graph panel
Add support for copying selected workbook exercise text to clipboard (i.e. can now copy and paste values from exercise to PCSWMM) using Ctrl-C
Add support for preserving attribute contents/values when switching field types in the Restructure dialog
Add support for importing entities and attributes to background layers directly
New legend object for Map panel (Menu > Show Legend)
Open web link from Help page in default web browser (rather than defaulting to IE)
Add support for applying LID usages to multiple subcatchments in the LID Usage editor
New LID Names attribute in the subcatchment layer to store delimited list of LID names for querying or rendering
New abililty to animate Map panel using derived timeseries
Simplify Export layer function
Open exported layer in Map panel after exporting
Open reprojected layer in Map panel after reprojection
Add more space for the time series manager in RAP projects
Move the 2D cells layer when moving a 2D SWMM5 project
Set name attribute when importing from map coordinates file
Display edited length or area in status bar when adding/editing a line or polygon
Add a filter button for “Selected Only” option in the Table panel
Avoid creating orphan subcatchments in the Watershed Delineation tool
Add Back button to the Auto-Connect tool
Allow the following tools to work when the map coordinate system is different from the layer coordinate system
Generate 2D mesh
show 2D animation
Select by polygon tool
Set flow length/width tool
Clean polygon tool
Area weighting tool
Ctrl + new conduit
Set Outlet for new subcatchment
Set Name field for new flow path line
Populate Value list in the Query builder
Fix one bug: child form can disappear behind the main PCSWMM window and effectively freeze PCSWMM
Fix one bug in shape union tool
Fix one bug: map is exported as PNG file even if JPG is chosen in the Report tool
Fix one bug: PCSWMM resets active window title color for Windows 8 computers
Fix one bug in inflow editor regarding dry weather inflow
Version 6.2.2070 January 15, 2016
Improvements and optimizations
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Optimized (speed up) the Watershed Delineation Tool (WDT) for large/high resolution DEMs
Support large (2GB+) DEM files
Parallelize process for pits removal
Parallelize process for creating subcatchments
Optimize smoothing border lines of subcatchments
Improve snapping conduits to stream line layer
Add progress report for creating watersheds
Show summary report at the end of WDT execution
Redesign (simplify) the Transect Creator tool
Enforce all SWMM5 layers use the same coordinate system
Set project units (in SWMM5 input file) to the SWMM5 layer coordinate system instead of the Map coordinate system
By default set the coordinate system of newly created layers to the SWMM5 layer coordinate system
Increase number of decimals for Node X/Y values if the SWMM5 layer coordinate system is decimal degrees
Support importing from GIS layers using differing coordinate systems
Support reading time series from DBF files
Ignore negative offsets when drawing links in the Profile panel to reflect the SWMM engine interpretation
Support unlocking a layer by clicking the lock icon in the Layers and Layer Tables panels
Optimize (speed up) the display of recent project tiles
Add Remove command to the Scenario Group menu in the Project Manager to remove (forget) projects from the list of recent projects
Add Remove command to the right-click menu in the Project Manager to remove selected scenario from the scenario group
Remove scenario list when unpacking a packaged project (maintain original scenario list over an existing project)
Reset the packaged project path when saving a project under a new name
Bug fix: Improve workbook alignment under Windows 10
Bug fix: The Map panel's Translate tool doesn’t work properly for SWMM5 links if the Map coordinate system is different from the layer coordinate system
Bug fixes and minor improvements in point release (6.2.2071)
Show red dot in the profile for flooding if Allow Ponding is on and the node's ponded area is zero
Support importing multiple time series from Excel files with more than 255 columns
Bing map may be disabled under certain situations
New SWMM5 attributes not updated in the new scenario
Layer properties popup may disappear
Auto-connect tool does not work if the Map coordinate system is different from the layer coordinate system
Some custom items are not loaded in the Summary tool
Scale units are not shown in the Print Preview
Not all user-defined string fields are listed in the Label dropdown in the Profile properties popup
Project notes can be cut-off
POIs are not shown in the Map if the SWMM5 layers have a different coordinate system from the map
Transparent frame around image generated by copying profile to clipboard
Sorting exception for raingage, pollutant, landuse buildup/washoff, and pump curve tables
Saved extent may not be shown in the Extent manager
Saved graph may not be shown when scenario mode is on and the current project is not chosen
Version 6.1.2025 November 6, 2015
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Support SWMM5.1.010
Support modified Green-Ampt infiltration type
Support Roadway Weir type
Add a new system output time series: daily potential evapotranspiration (PET)
Support a new groundwater equation variable: K (unsaturated hydraulic conductivity)
New tile-based project manager (File > Manage)
Displays either recent projects or projects in a specified folder (and its sub-folders)
Represents projects as tiles
Arrange projects in scenario groups
Tile color indicates scenario color used in comparison plots/profiles
Display continuity error color bar on tiles
Supports drag/drop to relocate project to another scenario group
Drag/drop to re-order projects within a scenario group
Add/edit name for a scenario group
Automatically saves folders to a favorites list for quick recall
Automatically parse project names into lines by delimiter (fields identified by underscore or comma separator)
Support right-clicking on a project to choose scenario color
Support scenario group commands
Organize tiles into a fixed grid by specifying a minimum number of columns
Automatically color scenarios either sequentially or based on name fields (separated with comma or underscore)
Sort tiles alphanumerically or based on fields (separated with comma or underscore)
Remove all missing scenarios from scenario group
Display project details for selected project tile
Display project notes and description in similar fashion to the Notes panel
Support model comparison and default value highlighting in the Details panel
Highlight parameters that are still set to their default values with light yellow color (single window view)
Highlight differences between current project and any scenario or other selected input file (vertical or horizontal view)
Highlight new entities/lines with green color
Highlight changed entities/values with orange color
Highlight sections with differences in the Sections panel
Add “Browse…” to the dropdown scenario list (vertical or horizontal two window view) to select any input file for comparison
Clicking on a differences line synchronizes and selects the same parameter in both windows
Clicking on a differences line also selects the entity in the Attributes panel
Add pull function to update current project with the selected value from comparison project
Add Pull button to the toolbar
Add Pull command to right-click context sensitive menu
Improve column alignment recovery in Details panel
Support 64 bit computing to utilize all available system memory with PCSWMM 64 bit version
Expand packaged project function to include events, map extents and print pages
Remove medium size icon option for toolbars (16 pixel and 32 pixel sizes remain)
Add pre-defined "PCSWMM" color palette to the Color picker (under “PCSWMM” tab)
Support multiple fields in entity labels when exporting to Google Earth
Support negative offset in dual drainage system creator
Bug fixes:
Links are drawn out of place if updating GIS from input file and map coordinate system is different from layer coordinate system
Support "Conduit" action object in the Control Rules editor
Saving time series as an Excel file throws an exception
Only last profile is printed when printing/exporting multiple profiles
Only the first group of time series are loaded from TSF file
Layer popup menu split in dual monitor setup when PCSWMM is located in the second monitor
Measures of error graph annotations extend outside the rectangle box when copying scatter plot to clipboard
Auto-connect tool failed if model contains no nodes
Set Outlet tool failed if no nodes fall within the extent of the subcatchment layer
Erosion settings are not saved when saving project as another project
Error message shows up when you move time series file up/down in the timeseries manager
Failed sorting on certain columns in the Table panel under French language
PDF content not shown in the POI popup browser when clicking the POI icon a second time
Edit parts tool shows no shape when Map coordinate system is different from layer coordinate system
Adjust/Snap/Relocate/Insert/Slide edit failed if map coordinate system is different from layer coordinate system
Failed generating hotstart files in real-time model (PCSWMM Real-Time only)
Save DEM layer to Arcinfo ASCII Grid file or Arcinfo Float Binary Grid file
Support query on GIS area, length and UID in the Select dialog
Restore original conduit ID where possible in join tool
Add Duplicate button to lookup table editor
Add Flip option to Transect editor
Add Units to the Scale in print preview
Add scenario name to LID report file when creating new scenario
Support all Canadian radar station in RAP project
Add rendering button to RAP Options dialog for Grid radar
Export grid radar animation to Google Earth using overlays
Fix one bug: sort conduit table is slow
Fix one bug: connect 1D to 2D failed if 2D cells are invisible
Fix one bug: copy/paste does not work because of different coordinate system
Fix one bug: layer properties lost after SWMM5 run
Fix one bug: layer CS is not saved after changed in the layer properties popup
Version 5.6.1818 December 2, 2014
Bug fixes
Add "Save as..." to the Options menu in the Events tab
Fix one bug: combo box columns are always shown even filter turns them off in the Table panel
Fix one bug: delete function doesn't work in the Remove dead ends tool
Fix one bug: only the first Weir cross-section is changed when changing the Type of multiple Weirs
Fix one bug: exceedance and deficit values not calculated correctly in the Events tab
Fix one bug: station spacing was ignored in the transect creator tool
Version 5.6.1803 November 5, 2014
New features and improvements
Bug fixes
Add support for SWMM5.1.007
Add support for Adjustments in the Climatology editor
Add Surcharge attribute to the Weir layer
Add custom Deep Groundwater equation to the Subcatchment layer
Rename Groundwater equation to Lateral flow equation
Support new variables in the Groundwater equation editor
Restore Green-Ampt infiltration parameters in the Storage layer
Change default seepage rate from 10 to 0.5 in the LID storage tab (LID Control editor)
Add support for all types of background layer time series in radar rainfall calculation (raingage editor)
Support user-defined drop down lists in the table panel for vector layers
Add an "ignore empty space" option to the area weighting time series tool
Support offline exercise workbook via the preferences editor
Revise the default number of decimal places for some SWMM5 layer attributes
Revise the help tab content in the backstage when offline
Remove some redundant warning messages when opening older projects
Allow pressing Enter key to finish text editing in the time series manager and the scenario properties popup
Copy the associated background time series file (if any) when saving a re-projected layer in the re-project layer tool
Load time series in background for preview graph in the Attributes panel
Allow more than 255 time series locations to be saved to an Excel file
Improve speed for copying time series data to the clipboard
Improve speed for opening/saving time series files (*.tsf)
Mark time patterns used for seasonal modeling as active in the Table panel
Reopen report file in the Graph panel after SWMM5 run to refresh Control rules time series
Use water depth from the selected conduit instead of the first conduit to draw transect in the Attributes panel
Fix one bug: text encoding not preserving some characters when saving a layer
Fix one bug: print preview doesn't work if no printers installed
Fix one bug: conduit slope not updated when a node invert elevation is changed
Fix one bug: assigned seasonal time pattern not updated when pattern is renamed or deleted
Version 5.5.1788 August 28, 2014
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add support for SWMM5.1.006
Make changes to the Options editor
Make changes to the LID control editor
Add sidewalls removal to RECT_OPEN in the cross-section editor
Rename and add new Groundwater attributes in the Subcatchment layer
Add Seepage to the Conduit and the Storage layer
Add two new results attributes to the Storage layer (EvapLoss and InfilLoss)
Add pollutant load results attributes to all link layers
Add one new attribute to the Aquifer editor (Upper Evap. Pattern)
Add one new attribute to the Pollutant editor (Initial Concentration)
Support MUSLE erosion
Add MUSLE erosion setup tool to PCSWMM Backstage
Add MUSLE erosion attributes to the Subcatchment layer
Calculate erosion and correlate pollutant washoff (TSS particle sizes, particle-bound phosphorous, etc) for specified subcatchments during SWMM5 run
Support associating time series file to background or SWMM5 layers
File must share root file name of associated layer
Supported file formats include .tsb, .tsf, .tsl and .mdb, where .tsl is an enterprise database link file (see below)
Add "Add to Layer..." menu item to the Graph panel for adding plotted time series to associated layer time series file
Open associated time series file when a vector layer is opened
Close associated time series file when a vector layer is closed
Close associated layer when a time series file is closed
Select the shape in the Map while selecting a location in the Graph panel Time Series Manager
Support linking time series by entity name or by entity attribute specified in time series category
Support time series link file (.tsl) (SQL time series and PI Server time series) for linking GIS layer entities to time series in databases
Improvements to the Graph panel
Add tool to create time series based on area weighting or other topological operations (when time series is linked to map entities)
Support free-format expressions in Derive time series tool
Add "Mark inter-event as new event" option to the Auto-select Events tool (for creating dry weather events)
Extend events table to contain all objective function statistics
Add number of events and duration as sub title in comparison plot
Support multiple groups for events
Support round to nearest Day in events tab
Optimize loading of time series items in the Time Series Manager (for large numbers of time series)
Support drag/drop to re-order time series in the Time Series Manager
Support drag/drop files from Windows explorer to open time series file
Expand Time Series Manager tree nodes to show selected locations after SWMM5 run
Support multiple groups for saved favorites (also apply to Table and Profile panels)
Re-write code for importing time series from HEC-DSS file
Add ability to enter a time series name directly in the design storm creator
Make changes to Open SQL dialog
Remove Lock Y axis and add three new properties under Function in Graph properties editor
Do not close comparison plot after each simulation
Hold Ctrl key to avoid clearing current selection in Graph when clicking on the Show Graph button in the Attributes panel
Change units dropdown to textbox with auto completion (in the Open Custom Time Series tool)
Link selection in the Scatter plot
Improvements to layer restructure capabilities
Support user-friendly name, units, description, category, default values, etc.
Support user-defined name, units, category in export to Google Earth
Support decimal places for numeric field
Support enforced value list
Support auto-expression: update field value automatically when dependent attributes are changed
Support drag/drop to reorder fields or value list
Save settings in layer properties file
Support free-format expressions and auto-expressions
Support various functions and operands
Rebuild Replace tool to support free-format expressions
Support assigning auto-expressions to background and SWMM5 layer attributes
Support auto-expression chains (auto-expressions dependent on other auto-expression calculated attributes)
Set auto-expression attributes to read-only in the Table panel and the Attributes panel
Add "Auto-Expression..." to the Replace dialog to convert an expression to an auto-expression
Add auto-expression editor to the Attributes panel
Do not allow editing in Profile if attribute is defined by an auto-expression
Support free-format expressions in Derive time series in the Graph panel
Improvements to PCSWMM 2D
Support 2D layer animation rendering on different time series (velocity, pollutant concentration, pollutant loading, etc)
Intelligent support for removing two walls, one wall or no walls for links during 2D mesh generation
Add "Sampling Factor" attribute to the 2D bounding layer (instead of the Create 2D Points tool), allowing elevation sampling to be adjusted spatially
Change default sampling resolution from 2X to 3X for elevation layer
Add support for optional break line layer for sampling elevations along hydraulically significant rises or depressions
Support Water Surface Elevation (WSE) point layer for outputing interpolated WSEs, velocities, and pollutant concentrations time series and statistics
New Create Head/Velocity/Pollutant concentration time series tool for WSE point layer
Add pollutant mass time series creation for 2D cells layer
Add new fields to WSE point layer for pollutant statistics
Add new fields to 2D cells layer for pollutant statistics
Check conduit lengthening option before SWMM5 run
Improve 2D points generation for directional meshes (avoid empty spots caused by obstruction or angled end walls)
Improve 2D mesh generation (missing links)
Improve rendering in 2D map animation
Add support for exporting 2D animations to Google Earth
Add check for the report input summary option before running SWMM5
Improvements to the Table panel
Add Replace tool support for editing attributes of multiple non-visible objects (Aquifers, Pollutants, etc.)
Add LID Usage table
Set Copy headers to be on by default
Improve appearance of scroll bars
Improve appearance of combo box column and button column
Improve to Radar Acquisition & Processing (RAP) project
Add support for new radar types (NEXRAD, GRIB2 and user-defined grid)
Support Environment Canada, McGill and HRAP Grid data types
Add support for download/import/archive ASCII Environment Canada radar files (may require a 3rd party contract)
Import HRAP Grid radar files from .gz files
Import McGill Grid radar files from .zip files
Generate gage/subcatchment time series from Grid radar files
Update rainfall time series in SQL/Access database for Grid radar files
Add check for Java installation before download or import (NEXRAD)
Make change to Options dialog
Support more units (in, mm, in/hr and mm/hr) for observed raingage time series in bias calculation
Revise layout of Project panel when in RAP project
Improvements to Real-time run (Real-time version)
Support SQL and CHI SQL time series
Support forecast for SQL and CHI SQL time series
Support initial hot start file
Save category for selected time series
Method of creating time series (existing time series or area weighted)
Make change to real-time run dialog
Add a new custom SWMM5 engine (version 5.1.901)
Based on SWMM5.1.006
Adds seasonal modeling capabilities to SWMM5 (useful for continuous simulation where soil freezes and for rural modeling where crop management changes pervious area hydrology)
Allows the application of Monthly Time Patterns to 5 pervious area subcatchment attributes (roughness, depression storage, suction head, saturated hydraulic conductivity and initial deficit)
Comprehensively tested (using 170 different models) to ensure no numerical differences from official SWMM5.1.006 results (where new features are not used).
Add dedicated Pollutant Treatment editor for SWMM5 node layers
Add Flow Error results attribute to SWMM5 node layers
Add Flow Classification results attributes to SWMM5 conduits layer
Support Esri File geodatabase layer
Add Position to Label tab in the Layer Properties popup
Add Invalid Slope option to the Select by Slope tool
Make changes to the Link to Selection popup tool in the Attributes panel and support category as ID field
Support preview graph for background layers and second time series for SWMM5 layers
Make changes to Help tab in backstage
Add welcome screen
Optimize PCSWMM startup process
Make open street map layer selectable (to support exporting layer to image file)
Do not mark an outfall as orphan if it has an upstream subcatchment
Add a label to show current simulation time in the SWMM5 run dialog
Add Edit button to the Options editor for adding/editing reporting entities
Add "Over-ride layer properties" option to Flood analysis dialog
Add "Select all" option to delete layer dialog
Add Apply and Close button to the color editor in the Layer Properties popup
Support Chinese characters (may need system locale change)
Improve distance calculation of Flood Vulnerable Assets (FVAs)
Improve scroll bar in grids and tables
Improve Control rules editor: faster loading time and multiple items copy/delete
Improve drag and drop visual effects in scenario manager, layer properties (section list and color ramp list)
Improve drag and drop visual effects in Table filter and Favorite filter
Fix one bug in Control rule editor related to maximum number of characters
Fix one bug in RAP project related to radar layer being removed automatically
Fix one bug in scenario properties popup
Fix one problem in lookup table related to wrong initial deficit values
Version 5.4.1525 August 22, 2013
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Improvements to 2D functions (PCSWMM Professional 2D only)
Add checking inertial terms before SWMM5 run for a 2D project
Add water surface elevation (WSE) and maximum WSE result attributes to the 2D cells layer
Add SWMM5 area and total volume as 2D cell layer attributes in the attributes panel if multiple 2D cells are selected
Add "Show cell max. WSE" to the default render setups in the Render 2D tool
Add "Show cell max. velocities" to the default render setups in the Render 2D tool
Add Volume time series to types of 2D time series generated
Improve creation of 2D cells near edge type bounding polygons (avoids large 2D cell generation)
Improve elevation calculation for 2D cells that do not contain any elevation sampling points (takes nearest external point elevation (within tolerance))
Avoid including 2D entities in the Auto-select profiles tool
Support "WSE" and "Max. WSE" attributes in generating contours
Redesign layer properties editor for improved layer rendering
Support equal interval, quantile and nested means classification when creating sections
Add color ramp manager for adding/importing/save/deleting color ramps (for sections and levels)
Add max/min scale, visible and include in legend section rendering properties
Add rotate, wrap, follow and avoid duplicates properties for map labeling
Add label favorite manager for saving and recalling user-defined labels
Add Gradient button to Styles tab to support the older PCSWMM gradient rendering
Improvements to the print preview
Changes to the Legend object
Add "Columns" property to allow multiple columns in the legend
Allow renaming layers/sections (through Rename button or direct editing in legend content tree list)
Allow reordering of layers (Move button or drag & drop in the legend content tree list)
Add "Series" and "Icons" items to the legend content tree list to allow positioning/reordering of icon and series objects in the legend
Add "Indent sub items" property to provide the option to display layer sections either indented or left-aligned in the legend
Add "Slanted line" property to provide the option of displaying line icons as horizontal or slanted lines in the legend
Add "Large gradients" property to provide the option of showing small or large gradient icons in the legend
Improve size of point layer icons in the legend
Add "None" to the Map object's highlight extent property to allow clearing highlight extent
Improve resize function to avoid jumping during resizing objects
Improve size of link arrows in the Map object
New push tool for pushing edits/changes to scenarios (Scenario Manager > Push)
3 modes: Push selected, Push matching and Replace all
Right-click on an entity in the Map panel and choose Push from the pop-up context sensitive menu for quick access to the Push selected mode
Improve speed for switching between scenarios
Improve loading speed for thumbnail images in the Layer browser and Documentation panel
Improve transect creator to support multiple vertices in cut lines
Add "Lock packaged project" option to the package project tool to help protect archived or completed models
Show warning when overwriting, renaming, moving or deleting a locked packaged project
Support editing left bank/right bank/center channel roughness for multiple selected transects in the Transect editor
Support default value for empty space in area weighting tool when using look up table
improve the extent manager to allow zooming to the extent of any layer
Make changes to the scenario properties editor to allow editing of project abbreviation
Fix one bug in loading saved graph: main/sub title not loaded if it contains equal sign
Fix one bug in the profile panel that may prevent the red surcharge dot from being displayed
Fix one bug in layer browser caused by double-click
Fix one bug in Extent manager that could result the manager off screen
Version 5.3.1465 May 31, 2013
Official release of PCSWMM 2013
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Support on-the-fly switching between English, French, Spanish and Chinese languages (Preferences > General)
Improvements to the print preview
Support the creation of custom templates
Improve performance for selecting/editing objects
Add Edit mode to replace Pan mode for more similar graphical editing to the Map panel
Support double-clicking an object to edit or drag its shape (when in Select mode)
Add scroll bars for panning when zoomed in
Increase preview resolution for improved rendering of large paper sizes
Improve snap function for faster and more accurate aligning of objects
Improve legend layout and add support for displaying gradient rendering
Only show layers in legend object that have 'Include in legend' checked (in advanced layer properties)
Improve shape style picker
Add padding as basic property of all objects (creates a margin around object content)
Add print resolution to page object (150, 300, 600 and "printer" dpi settings)
Add a description style to series objects (to add border around description labels)
Add rotation, description, description color and description style attributes for icon objects
Add include icon and include layers attribute for legend object (puts description in the legend)
Add frame style to map, profile, graph, legend and image objects (allows for quick formatting of object borders)
Add font style attribute to profile, graph, legend, shape, series and icon objects (small, medium and large) (allows for quick matching of font sizes for multiple selected objects)
Add cut, copy, paste and delete buttons to the toolbar
Add support for copying and pasting objects between pages
Add support for creating line objects (added vertical line and horizontal line options to the border shape attribute of the shape object)
Improve rotation of image and icon objects to avoid clipping
Improvements to the 2D functions (PCSWMM Professional 2D only)
Use center line with the longest intersecting length when generating directional mesh 2D nodes
Avoid applying auto-length feature and tool to 2D conduits
Check minimum surface area of 2D cells for 2D mesh
Check length of routing time step for 2D project
Set default depth of 2D elements to 30m
Handle more than one 1D nodes in connecting 2D to 1D directly function
Improve the Connect 1D to 2D tool to connect 2D mesh to 1D nodes tagged "Connect2D" rather than requiring 1D nodes to be selected
Automatically reconnect subcatchments to 2D mesh after recreating the 2D mesh
Check to convert square meter to square foot if necessary
Improvements to the Graph panel
Add Audit functions for performing quality assessment of observed time series (Audit tab)
Check for maintenance interval, sensor range, usual range, variation speed, redundancy and missing values
List audit exceptions as an exception table or as a data table
Color render audit exceptions in the graph (Suspect - orange, Incorrect - red, Missing - yellow)
Provide ability to convert audit exceptions to events
Add Audit summary to Copy menu for exporting Audit tables to Excel, etc.
Add Derive functions for deriving additional time series from SWMM5 output (Derive tab)
Derive pollutant loading, erosion index, shear force, effective work, and user-defined derive function time series
Add option to automate the creation of derived time series after a SWMM run
Support automated post processing of derive functions for scenario runs
Support comparison of derived time series between scenarios in the Graph panel (in Scenario mode)
Add legend style, grid style, minor ticks, point outline and point fill attributes to graph properties
Add design storm creator for creating time series directly in the Graph panel (new Add button on toolbar)
Add Save, Save as, and Consolidate options to the Save button on the toolbar (consolidate option replaces Menu > Export Data)
Add Normalize option for frequency duration exceedance plots (Duration tab)
Add Coefficient of Determination to the list of error functions
Add Auto-group Events to Events tab (group events by date range, max, min, mean, total range)
Add a Daily option to the date based event generation options in Auto-Select Events tool
Add 'Exclude audit exceptions' option to Auto-Select Events tool to avoid selecting events that include audit exceptions
Support using multiple time series in determining events in the Auto-Select Events tool
Support closing multiple files simultaneously with the Close Multiple Files tool
Simplify Graph menu (remove redundant commands/options)
Improve tools browser
Add support for multiply/divide time series by another time series (Edit functions)
Support editing function or location name directly in the time series manager tree list
Support cancelling analysis in Frequency analysis tool
Show time series data in the Attributes panel when a data point is clicked on or a selection period is made (Graph panel must be docked to the main PCSWMM window)
Allow direct selection or editing of time series data in the Attributes panel
Support graphical horizontal dragging of data point selection bar
Support editing location properties (color, line style, point style etc.) by clicking on the legend text (opens Graph properties)
Improvements to scenario manager
Add ability to create multiple design storm scenarios efficiently with the Create Design Storm Scenarios tool
Add ability to create multiple event scenarios with the Create Event Scenarios tool
Support drag/drop to order scenarios
Support selecting multiple scenarios (for efficient deleting/removing)
Add ability to specify abbreviations for scenarios (i.e. short names) for display in various scenario comparison tables.
Improvements to shape editing in the Map panel
Double-click to add/remove vertex under Adjust mode (adds/removes from all adjacent polygons)
Add ability to add conduits automatically when adding nodes (when Ctrl or Shift key is pressed) (speeds up drawing link/node network)
Add ability to add junctions automatically while adding/editing a link (when Ctrl or Shift key is pressed) (speeds up drawing link/node network)
Add scenario mode to summary/comparison tool (provides more control for selecting scenarios to compare)
Add ability to deselect current scenario when comparing scenarios in Scenario mode (Graph, Profile and Summary/Comparison tools)
Add 'Fill below current HGL' option to Scenario mode in Profile panel (Scenario properties editor)
Improve real-time run to support reading grid cell database for gridded rainfall time series (PCSWMM Real-Time only)
Improve selected zoom extent for single node
Improve importing from tar files
Improve time series plotting performance and appearance in the time series editor and raingage editor
Support treatment editing for multiple selected nodes
Color SWMM5 version button in the Status bar (green indicates using latest available version)
Sort SWMM5 entities/objects alphanumerically before saving to the SWMM5 input file (also affects order of appearance in status report and tables)
Add error/warning hyperlinks to additional help in the Status panel
Add coordinate system selector to the layer properties editor
Add ability to store default coordinate system (Defaults dialog)
Add outline option for point layers in the layer properties dialog
Simplify the new project dialog (remove redundant options)
Improve Reproject layer dialog for easier selection of coordinate system
Allow direct Map selection of entities by clicking on any entity name in the Details and Status panel
Add time elapsed to SWMM5 Run dialog
Improve Transect editor
Improve labeling in the Profile panel
Improve cross-connection drawing in the Profile panel
Preserve horizontal scroll offset after column sorting in the Table panel
Add Favorite manager to Profile, Table and Graph panel
Share saved favorites between projects via favorite manager
Add ability to assign favorites to groups
Allow independent selection of the displayed table in the Table panel (Menu > Synchronize with Map)
Add 'ignore zeros' option to set invert tool
Add ability to select entities immediately upstream or downstream of selected entities (Find > Select Connected > Upstream/Downstream)
Improve performance of list boxes in the coordinate system editor and all editors (for large object lists)
Include groundwater subcatchments in select upstream function
Update Min. Freeboard attribute for non-surcharging nodes
Fix one bug in Run SWMM5 that could cause a slow down for large continuous simulations
Fix one bug that could prevent the complete loading of node Head time series
Version 5.2.1313 Nov 14, 2012
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Improvements to the Graph panel:
Add Frequency Analysis tools (Professional version), including:
Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Analysis
Annual Peak Value Analysis
Event Duration Analysis
Add "Switch X and Y axis" option to the Duration Exceedance plot
Add Minimum value objective function to the Events tables, Calibration plot and SRTC tool
Allow editing the name of the time series category in the Properties editor
Support graphing multiple locations at the same time in the Calibration plot
Improve the look of the Calibration plot
Improve the Storage function plotting to support a very large number of data points
Add return period and/or frequency calculations in the Event tables
Improvements to the Profile panel:
Use the scenario color for the current project's HGL line when in scenario mode
Enable editing the scenario color for current project in scenario properties editor
Do not fill below the HGL for the current project when in scenario mode
Adjust scenario manger width to fit long project names
Show a warning message if missing time series found in a Profile
Fix cut-off problem with long project names
Support custom logo in KML balloon for View in Google Earth function
Support multiple area-weighted accumulation layers (Professional version)
Generate .kmz files when exporting to Google Earth (instead of .kml files)
Support attaching POI documents to any background layer through a Name or ID field
Add Flooding warning label to the status bar
Improve the pipe sizing tool to check looped network
Improve simply network tool
Improve SWMM5 run dialog
Remove Move button from the Map toolbar
Add Edit browser to the Map panel
Add Adjust edit mode with Undo support
Fix units problem in Set Area/Length tool
Fix one bug in resize layer dialog: buttons are not shown under large font
Fix one bug related to landuse coverage operation
Version 5.1.1278 August 29, 2012
New features
Bug fixes
Improvements to the duration-exceedance curve plots in the Graph panel
Remember the selected events during the session
Store line styles and colors for events
Allow user to edit the line style and color in the properties popup
Improvements to Real-Time functions (Real-Time version)
Add ability to create AVI videos from radar animation
Add credential-based access (General tab in the Report dialog)
Archive forecasting time series for performance analysis (Forecast tab in the Report dialog)
Add support to archive hotstart files for specific days (Real-Time setup dialog)
Improvements to importing time series/events
Support name column (allows multiple locations per table)
Save import settings for quick recall
Automatically recognize and restore import settings for previously imported data sets
Improvements to smoothness of flood innundation polygon animation in the Map panel
Support drag/drop to re-order the filter column in the filter popup in the Table panel
Add Import events function to the Events tab in the Graph panel
Support event grouping in the Graph panel and the SRTC tool
Allow changing point style and color for event groups in the Comparison plot
Support importing group information when importing events
Add group column in the Events table
Support uniquely rendering groups by point style and color
Allow changing point style and color for Scatter plot
Support all files in the Comparison plot
Add Select Laterals tool to select short lateral connections
Add Align Vertices tool to align point, line and polygon vertices to one or more polylines
Add Transform mode to move toolbar for moving polygon vertex
Improve the Simplify Network tool
Add intelligent join suggestions
Add editor for suggestion criteria
Add ability to automate the simplification process (by accepting all suggestions)
Version 5.0.1249 July 12, 2012
PCSWMM 2012 official released
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
New Move mode (Map panel) streamlines geo-referencing and enables translation/rotation of radar rainfall events (Professional version)
Snap selected pathway to a line shape
Relocate selected pathway to a line shape
Insert selected pathway to a conduit (useful for inserting bridge structures)
Slide selected node (up/down the conduit path)
Rotate selected polygons
Translate selected shapes
Create video for Map animation and Profile animation (Professional version)
New table filter for creating custom tables; filtering both columns and rows with SQL support
Add favorites to the Table panel for storing custom tables (stores filter and sort order)
Add function to Reporting tool to save custom tables to Excel, Access and SQL database (Professional version)
Add function to Reporting tool to save select time series to a database (Professional version)
Improve memory management for loading very large status report files (.rpt)
Improve memory management for large time series datasets
Support time series projects (*.tsp) for managing/editing/analyzing any time series (not just SWMM specific) (Professional version)
Add Calgary design storms, Edmonton design storms and the more common Chicago design storm to the Design Storm Creator (in Raingage editor)
New binary time series file format (*.tsb) for very fast handling of large data sets; stores an unlimited number of mixed-type time series.
Provide for late loading of time series from Time Series Files (.tsf); time series only loaded when tree node is clicked, which provides for faster loading of projects with many connected TSF files.
Optimize output file time series loading speed
Add Duration-Exceedance Curve plots (function tab in Graph panel, Professional version)
Add Delete button to Graph panel for deleting time series
Support custom units for time series in ADS profile database
Improve graph aesthetics
Improvements to the Graph panel's Event manager
Add ability to restrict auto-selection of events to specific seasons
Add ability to select events based on dates (for annual or monthly analysis)
Add invert events function (to select dry weather periods)
Add Create Control Time Series command to generate an event-based setting time series for use by control rules
Add support for the new Digital Instantaneous Precipitation Rate (DPR) dual polarity (Dual-Pol) NEXRAD radar product (Professional version)
Implemented faster native code to decode Digital Hybrid Reflectivity (DHR) NEXRAD radar product (Professional version)
Add Max Head attribute to the Floodplain transects line layer
Add ability to truncate transects to their overbank stations (Transects Editor, Professional version)
Improvements in Transect Creator tool (Professional version)
New method for auto-creating transect lines improves transect orientation and better avoids overlap
Improve method for assigning transects to conduits; if two or more irregular conduits overlap with a transect, assign the one that is close to the center
Add option for transect auto-length function; check elevations starting at the center low point to edges
Add minimum length to the transect creator to avoid short transects
Add ability to create an averaged transect for each conduit (Conduit transects tab) by automatically sampling transects along the conduit length (Professional version)
New Backstage
Provides access to all previous File menu commands, with improvements to organization and supplementary information
Improved recent projects list; new preview of project information and direct access to scenarios (Recent tab)
Improved project manager; new preview of project information and direct access to scenarios (Manage tab)
Consolidates data importing tools (Import tab)
Consolidates printing options (Print tab)
Consolidates project packaging and data exporting tools (Save & Send tab)
Improved Layout manager (Layout tab)
Consolidates all help, training and reference resources (Help tab)
Relocate Layer Manager to below Project panel
Add "Open Street Maps" tile service (Layer Manager, Professional version)
Improve layout of items in the Project panel; SWMM5 layers now relocated to the Layer Manager
Improvements to all editors; edits to multiple objects are only saved when the OK button is clicked, no more prompts to save changes when switching between objects
Improve layout of Tools Browser; now organized by function
Improvements to the Simplify Network tool
Add option to create missing Junctions in Auto-Connect tool
New Set Direction tool; sets the flow direction of all upstream conduits to drain towards the selected outfall(s)
Improvements to the Replace tool
Add layer selector to the Replace tool
Add option to apply the Replace tool to all entities (regardless of selection)
Now allows replacing of raingages, outlet nodes, snowpacks, aquifers and receiving nodes in the Subcatchment layer
Now allows multi-entity replacing of assigned time series, time patterns, hydrographs and curves in the nodes/links layer
Change Split Conduit function to apportion conduits Length attribute, not GIS length
Remove two redundant commands from the Menu in the Map panel (Snap To, Import Data)
Allow ability to delete multiple selected entities on multiple layers simultaneously
Add ability to display vertex numbers and reverse vertex order for shapes; "Show vertex number" and "Reverse vertices" to the edit toolbar
Improve shape parts handing tool; new option to split parts into separate shapes, as well as delete parts (Edit Parts command in right-click context sensitive menu and in Attributes panel Menu)
Automatically assign nearest Outlet after a subcatchment is created
Automatically assign subcatchment Outlet when splitting or joining subcatchments
Add "Auto-assign" to the Outlet dropdown list for subcatchments in the Attributes panel
Assign raingage if possible after a subcatchment is created
Check assigned raingages before running SWMM5
Add "Select all" to the Graph and Profile tab in the Report dialog
Make changes to preview POIs in the Attributes panel
Add support for double-clicking on an entity in the Map panel to edit its shape
Add a list of recently used coordinate systems to the Coordinates editor
Show warning message when unlocking a background layer
Make changes to the status bar
Add Coordinate System to the status bar
Add Flow units to the Options editor
Allow duplicate names for saved map extent
Allow map animation even if results are outdated
Allow copying polygons to lines layer (will convert to a line entity)
Fix one bug in split tool: does not work for Elevation offset
Fix one bug: incorrectly labeling pump curve type 3 in the Attributes panel
Fix one bug in Aquifer editor: changes to aquifer properties are not saved
Fix one bug in LID usage editor: delete function does not work
Fix one bug in reporting saved table to excel file
Fix one bug in exporting to HEC DSS file: the first data is skipped
Fix one bug in opening LID report file
Version 4.4.1037 December 13, 2011
Graph improvements
Update to Microsoft .NET framework 4
Improvement in memory management for the Graph panel
Version 4.3.1030 August 10, 2011
New SWMM5 engine
Numerous improvements
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add support for SWMM5.0.022
Improve functions in the Graph panel
Add function selector dropdown list to Objective function tab
Add location selector dropdown list to Error function tab
Add location selector dropdown list to Storage function tab
Add location selector dropdown list to Time Pattern Creator tab
Add location selector dropdown list to Auto-Select Events dialog
Add "Lock YAxis" property to the Graph Properties popup
Add "Read 24 hourly values per line" option to the Graph panel's Import/Paste Custom Time Series dialog
Add "Consolidate time series" function to the Graph panel's Edit functions tab
Make changes to the "Add time series" Edit function in the Graph panel
Make changes to the Time Pattern Creator function in the Graph panel
Support storing a calibration plot as a favourite and save settings with the project
Support inserting calibration plots and scatter plots in the Print Preview and Reporting tool
Support direct reading of time series from ADS Profile database
Add "Select Downstream" function to the Map panel Find/Select commands
Add Auto-Optimize function to the SRTC calibration tool
Add main/sub title to the Profile properties popup, which allows profile titles to be saved with favorites
Add tooltips to File >> Recent Projects menu to show full file path
Add "Plot data file time series" option to the time series editor
Add Close button to various popup dialogs
Add "Show as menu" to the Tools browser
Add "Manual forecasting" option to the Options dialog in a RAP project
Add support for importing NEXRAD radar products directly from downloaded tar files in a RAP project
Add "Show Differences" options to the Project Summary/Comparison tool for comparing models/scenarios
Add Encroachments tool to the Transect editor
Add Transect plot option to the SRTC calibration tool
Add Encrochment optimization tool to the SRTC calibration tool
Allow user to duplicate multiple selected objects in Print Preview
Allow user to edit text directly on the object in Print Preview
Improve cross-section drawing in the Attribute panel
Improve error reporting in parallel runs: shows first error from the report file
Improve Y-axis interval labeling in the Profile panel
Change Split tool to a popup toolbar in the Map panel
Improve Split tool split location preview in the Map panel
Add ability to split lines/conduits into a user-specified number of conduits or user-specified lengths
Support splitting multiple selected lines/conduits
Make changes to the Xsection editor: show tiled cross-section types
Make changes to the Set DEM elevation tool
Make changes to the New Project dialog
Make changes to the New Scenario dialog
Make changes to the Reporting dialog
Add "Create sub folders" option: organizes exported files
Add "Clear sub folder before reporting" option
Add "Tab delimited text file" option for creating ASCII text files to store exported reporting tables
Support selecting saved extents for creating multiple maps
Make changes to the Rename tool
Make changes to Thiessen Polygons tool
Make changes to the Shape Picker popup in the Print preview
Make changes to the options dialog in RAP project to support area-weighted accumulation calculations
Support Digital Precipitation Array (DPA) NEXRAD radar product for creating point and area-weighted hyetograph time series in RAP project
Change "Select Within" option to a button in the Select by Query dialog
Show mouse pointer's Z coordinate (ground elevation) in status bar if DEM layer exists in the Map
Show text labels on toolbar buttons when in large icon mode
Support converting multiple selected nodes/links from one entity type to another (i.e. junctions to storages)
Support for the backspace key for deleting objects (for compatibility support with Apple keyboards)
Support plotting multiple selected curves on the same plot in all Curve editors
Support plotting depth/area curve for storage curve in the Curve editor (as an alternative to depth/equivalent radius)
Support using Measure: Polygon for the Select by Polygon tool
Support drawing 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 percent envelopes in SRTC calibration tool and the Graph panel's Calibration plot (displaying multiple envelopes are now possible)
Copy empty columns while copying selected table columns/fields to clipboard (preserves relative locations)
Shorten attribute names in the Attributes panel
Remove Multiple-Entity Move toolbar button from the Map panel (now available in right-click context-sensitive pop-up menu)
Remove Options button from the Project panel (commands now available in the File menu)
Add a layer selection dropdown list to the Select by Query dialog in the Map panel
Add a layer selection list to the Layer properties popup: allows for multiple layer properties edits
Show continuity errors in the status bar
Change Sections dropdown list to a left-aligned list in both the Status and Details panel
Update the subcatchment's groundwater receiving node attribute when the node name is changed
Remove graph titles when time series are added or removed in the Graph panel
Change editor's caption and apply button text when called from the Attributes panel to make it more clear that you are assigning an object
Fix one bug in time series editor: decimal hours may not be plotted correctly
Fix one bug in importing from HEC RAS file caused by empty Manning's n values
Integrate multiple Map, Profile, Graph and other type of objects into one page
Include markup options such as arrows, highlight boxes, legends, scales, compass, pictures, borders, labels and text
Comprehensive output methods including print, clipboard and image file
Pre-defined page templates for quick startup
Save favorite page layouts for quick recall
Add Groundwater Component Creator tool to simplify modeling interflow with the SWMM5 groundwater routines
Add "Clear Profile" to the Option menu in the Profile panel to prevent reloading of profile timeseries after a run
Add Extent manager to the Map panel for storing user-defined map extents
Add Integral Square Error (ISE) to the error functions in the Graph panel
Add location dropdown list to the events tab in the Graph panel
Add "Make step time series" to edit function in the Graph panel
Add "Set Closed Conduits" tool to the flood analysis dialog
Add "Create translucent map images for radar layers" option to the Reporting tool for RAP project
Support polygon type Flood Vulnerable Asset (FVA) layers for flood analysis
Add function for checking missing transect data in Floodplain Transect layer
Support Google Earth rendering animation for polygon Flood Vulnerable Asset (FVA) layers
Support importing LID controls from SWMM5 input file
Add new dialog for confirming SWMM5 run
Fix one bug in Attribute Validation tool
Fix problem with package update notification service and updating hotstart file location when unpackaging projects
Version 4.1.886 February 7, 2011
New SWMM5 engine
Important improvements
Name change to PCSWMM 2011
Add support for SWMM5.0.021
Depreciate support for EPA SWMM5.0.020 (and EPA SWMM5.0.019)
Full support remains for EPA SWMM 5.0.013, 5.0.014, 5.0.015, 5.0.016, 5.0.017, 5.0.018, and 5.0.021
Improve graphing capabilities in the Graph panel
Improve performance for large data sets (millions of data points)
Add anti-aliasing for smoother lines and fonts
Add zoom window feature, can be turned on or off via the Graph Properties editor
Add options to Include file name and/or date when copying graphs to the clipboard
Improve copy to clipboard function for bitmap and metafile
Add drop down list of previous titles to the main title/sub title text control in Graph Properties
Improve graph capabilities in the SRTC tool
Add "Remove All" to the Profile panel
Add "Ignore empty space" option to the Area Weighting tool
Version 4.0.870 October 8, 2010
Significant new features
Important improvements
Bug fixes
Supports SWMM5.0.020 with the LID toolbox
Add a LID control editor to manage the five types of LID controls
Add a LID usage editor to assign LID usage to subcatchments
Support external time series for buildup in the Landuse editor
Add "Evaporate only during dry periods" option to the Climatology editor
Support reading LID report file in the Graph panel
Add native support for large fonts (high DPI settings)
Completely redesign the Area Weighting tool with new support for look-up tables and field matching
Add Look-up table editor
Add "Include look-up tables" option to the Package Project dialog
Add automatic rounding in the Area weighting tool, the Replace tool, the Shape Split dialog and the Shape Union dialog
Support generating thumbnails in the Reporting tool for Graphs and Profiles
Add support for importing from geodatabase layers in the Data Import Wizard
Improve open time series from Excel file by offering to save as a PCSWMM Timeseries file (.tsf); prompt the user to either merge or overwrite if the Timeseries file already exists
Improve method for running scenarios in parallel (for both grid computing and multi-core computing)
Add "Show Objective" option to the Graph panel to display the objective functions table on the graph itself (like the existing Show error option)
Add option to draw only the lowest overbank for an irregular channel in the Profile panel
Add a dropdown list to the profile properties popup to control link label position (Ground or Crown)
Fix one bug in the Transect Creator tool: transects not created if DEM layer is in decimal degrees
Fix one problem that may cause events to be triggered randomly in laptops when unplugging/plugging the power cable
Version 3.9.835 August 16, 2010
New features and improvements
Bug fixes
Complete rewrite of the Project Summary/Comparison tool
Support unlimited custom items for listing specific SWMM5 entity attributes
Support unlimited custom tables
Save custom items/tables in the current project and all scenarios
Support pushing tables to Microsoft Excel
Support importing custom items/tables from other projects
Add Round function to the Multi-Attribute Replace tool (to specify number of decimals)
Add Check Subcatchment Connectivity tool
Add support for unlimited comments in the Control Rules editor
Add support for ESRI Personal Geodatabase layers
Add debug option to the import function in a RAP project
Add "Browse network in project manager" to the Preferences dialog
Improve PCSWMM's startup speed and project open speed
Select subcatchments that drain onto other subcatchments in the Select Upstream function
Improve display of subcatchment outlet lines, especially for selected subcatchments
Remove fade in animation from the tool browser
Fix one bug in open report file: empty control actions taken section throws an exception
Version 3.8.809 July 6, 2010
Significant new features
Interface improvements
Bug fixes
Update the Profile panel
Support multiple simultaneous profiles with animation and zoom support (Professional version only)
Export profile to supported vector layer such as AutoCAD DXF file ("Export" under the Options menu)
Support overview for zoomed profile ("Show Overview" under the Options menu)
Improve representation of filled-circular conduits
Do not draw EGL line when in Scenario mode
Display project name instead of "HGL" in legend when in Scenario mode
Add Documentation panel
Create new panel for indexing all project related files (documents, worksheets, notes, pictures, CCTV and other videos, etc.)
Remove Notes & Documents item from the Project panel
Save document list to a catalog file (catalog file can be centrally located and shared between different projects)
Support packaging the documentation catalog along with all documents to a single document package file (for easy transfer of documents)
Support opening a document catalog file or a packaged document catalog file
Support drag-and-drop adding of files to the documentation panel
Support viewing of images, videos, web pages, notes and PDF files directly in documentation catalog
Support launching of document file in default application
Support mouse wheel zoom and mouse pan when viewing images
List documents in table or thumbnail view
Support adding tags and comments to documents
Support bulk editing of tags to multiple selected documents
Filter documents by type and/or by tag
Sort documents by name, type, date received, etc.
Support opening selected documents in the Map or Graph panel (where applicable)
Provide option for previewing PDF files (under Options menu)
Update the Project Manger
Add a folder bread crumb control under Browser tab
Support copying and pasting folder paths in the bread crumb control
Send deleted projects and scenarios to the recycle bin (i.e. can be restored through Windows OS)
Update scenario lists when a project was renamed/moved/deleted
Allow deleting a project that is currently open
Show "Open in Windows Explorer" when right-clicking a folder in the folder browser, or right clicking in the folder bread crumb control
Remove SWMM5. prefix from all SWMM5 GIS layers (for better support of third party applications - e.g. ArcView)
Disable editing function name, units and location name in SWMM5 output file in the Graph panel (to avoid confusion - time series should be duplicated or copied and pasted before editing)
Support plotting of control actions in the Graph panel (control action time series read from SWMM5 status report file)
Support update notification from packaged project (lets you know when the source packaged project has been updated by another user)
Add Maximum Spread result attribute to the Conduit layer for gutter flow analysis in major/minor system modeling
Add Simplify Network tool to assist in the aggregation of short conduits
Allow a permanent user-specified order for listing scenarios in the Scenario Manager
Add toolbar buttons to the Scenario Manager to rename, move, remove, delete and arrange scenarios
Add a popup toolbar for controlling options when editing/adding shapes in the Map panel
Improve function for calculating high chord transects (when importing from HEC RAS)
Improve function for importing bridges from HEC RAS
Add support for importing "Arch" and "Semi-Circle" culverts from HEC RAS
Add ability to save and recall filter settings to the registry in the Project Summary/Comparison tool
Add units to the threshold labels in both the Layer Properties and Animation Properties popup editors (Map panel)
Redesign the Restructure Layer dialog (Map panel)
Make changes to the Set Drop/Losses tool (add option to calculate drops, losses or both)
Make changes to the Set Slope tool (add option to not raise upstream nodes)
Make the Attribute panel permanently fixed in place (not closable, floatable or dockable)
Improve refresh speed of the object list in the Transect editor and the Curve editor for large numbers of objects (1000's)
Remove Summary button from the Project panel (it can be accessed in the Tools browser and Tools menu)
Do not save scenario list to a project created with the Save Project As command (and do not add it to the scenario list of the current project)
Fix one bug in the Graph panel's edit time series function that may interfere with subtracting one time series from another
Fix one bug in the Generate Subcatchment Schematic tool: the selected subcatchments only option was not enabled
Fix one bug in the Align Conduit Crowns tool
Version 3.7.741 Apr 27, 2010
Significant new features
Interface improvements
Bug fix
Add new Project Manager for managing projects, including:
Enhanced project browser
Renaming projects
Moving projects
Deleting projects
Support reading input time series from SWMM4 RUNOFF, TRANSPORT, EXTRAN and STORAGE input files
Add Subcatchment Schematic tool for schematic generation
Update the Graph panel
Improve interface for time series editing in the Edit Functions tab
Edit functions now apply to either full time series or selected time period, they can no longer be applied to the zoomed in extent (to avoid confusion)
Clear selection period if it is out of the visible zoom extent of the graph
Ignore null values instead of reading as zeros when opening time series file
Add ability to display measurements of error on graph via Options >> Show Error in the Error Functions tab
Add support for exporting time series to SWMM5 external time series file
Improve method for handling saved location favorites
Always calculate error function over observed time series if only two time series are plotted
Support multiple, tiled graphs in the SRTC calibration tool
Add "SWMM4 input file" option to the Import dialog for launching the EPA SWMM4to5 converter
Add "Select Entity" and "Find in Map" to the context sensitive right-click popup menu in the Details and Status panels
Add permanent "Rim Elev." field to the SWMM5 node layers, which can be used to automatically calculate node depth (depth = rim elev. - invert elev)
Add an option in the Preferences dialog to control which node attribute can be edited (Rim Elev. or Depth)
Add an option in the Preferences dialog to control which subcatchment attribute can be edited (Flow Length or Width)
Add context sensitive Edit menu item to the Options menu in the Attributes panel (Edit Width, Edit Depth, etc.)
Remove Set Max. Depth tool (now obsolete) and adjust tools that are affected by the new Rim Elev. attribute
Change node attribute name "Max. Depth" to "Depth" to avoid confusion with Maximum Depth attribute in the Results section
Use the Outfall layer's Rim Elev. attribute to control ground line display in Profile panel (not used internally by SWMM5)
Make the Project panel fixed in place (not closable, floatable or dockable), although it can still be resized
Change the "Options" tree list item to "Simulation Options" in the Project panel to avoid confusion with the Options button
Remove the Pan button from the Map panel's toolbar, set left mouse drag to pan, shift + left mouse drag to select by rectangle, and alt + left mouse drag to select by rectangle in all layers
Improve HEC RAS importing function: use georeference cut lines to locate junctions
Improve mouse wheel zoom responsiveness for large complex layers in the Map panel
Improve save project function: check for layers that are in use by other applications
Improve import from GIS function: support import polyline shapes to subcatchment layer (converts open lines to closed polygons)
Improve method for creating default subcatchment polygons from SWMM5 file with missing vertices
Enable editing SCS infiltration's Conductivity attribute in the Subcatchment layer if SWMM5 version is set to 5.0.013 (this parameter has been depreciated in later versions of SWMM5)
Support Custom Map Coordinate System, including WKT Projection file import/export, directly specifying EPSG number, and manually entering projection information
Fix bug relating to orifice flap gates
Fix bug relating to importing shape curves from HEC RAS file
Version 3.6.700 Feb 12, 2010
PCSWMM 2010 released
New features
Bug fixes
Make changes to the SRTC tool:
Add options to display/hide the four various time series/data: current, calibrated, verified and observed
Add support for saving radio tuning settings (save favorites)
Add support for viewing verification status report
Add option for displaying +/- 10% envelope lines in calibration plots
Add support for manually editing radio tuning via keyboard
Add support for unlimited undo/redo of radio tuning adjustments
Graphically mark radio tuning positions of last verification run
Remember settings between sessions
Change copy function to a popup menu displaying options
Improve copy to clipboard as bitmap or metafile functions
Add support for including time series files in a packaged project file
Add support for saving graph properties (line-styles etc.) in a packaged project file
Support scenario mode in the Graph panel's calibration plot tab
Support clear-fill polygon setting when viewing in Google Earth or exporting to KML file
Improve the Graph panel's copy to clipboard as bitmap or metafile function
Keep entities selected in the current layer after saving a project or running SWMM5
Show a popup message after SWMM5 run instead of clickable message box
Fix one bug in the Graph panel: the Save button in the Add to Favorites popup does not work
Fix one bug in loading panel layout that may cause panels to be hidden under rare circumstances
Version 3.5.689 Dec 24, 2009
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Support SWMM5.0.018
Add total percent loss result attribute to the Storage Units layer (total percent loss to infiltration and evaporation during the simulation)
Support geo-referenced points of interest (POIs)
Support displaying geo-tagged image files (lat/long EXIF data) as geo-referenced POIs
Support POI web services for displaying geo-referenced photos in a Flickr account
Support importing bridges/culverts from HEC RAS geometric files, including high-chord, low-cord and multiple piers
Support copying and pasting polylines into polygon layers (converts open polylines to closed polygons)
Support plotting multiple transects in the Transect editor (when 2 or more transect objects are selected)
Support anti-aliasing feature when outputing GIS map to a printer
Interpolate Invert Elevation and Max. Depth when splitting a Conduit at a cut line with the Split function
Rewrite "Set Slope" tool to significantly improve flexibility
Add new "Rename Entities" tool to automatically name SWMM entities according to user-defined protocol, with branch identification
Add "Clean Polygons" tool to clean up polygon boundaries
Add "Set Outlet" tool to topologically assign subcatchment outlets to appropriate nodes based on user-specified criteria
Add "Align Conduit Crowns" tool to align crowns of selected conduits
Add "Set Drops/Losses" tool to automatically assign manhole drops and energy losses based on flow direction changes
Add "Select by Angle" tool to select conduits which change flow direction in a specified angle range in the downstream node
Add support for downloading and processing the WSR-88D Digital Hybrid Scan Reflectivity radar product in RAP projects
Add "Calibrate to observed locations only" option to the SRTC calibration tool to significantly speed up loading of results from output files
Add "Fill style" to the layer properties pop-up editor for polygon layers
Add "Include POI files" option to the Package Project function
Add "Auto Select" function to the Profile panel for identifying and saving all possible pathways and branches in the model as saved profiles
Completely redesign the project Notes & Documents editor for better management of related project documents
Redesign Reporting tool to reflect Windows 7 style
Support delete key press to delete selected saved profile (if any) in the Profile panel
Check for conflicting user-defined attribute names in the subcatchment layer when adding a new Pollutant or Landuse
Fix one bug in the Profile: node ground elevation was incorrectly displayed if connected to standard size ellipse or arch conduits
Fix one bug in the Table panel when editing value with Selected Only option on
Fix one bug in editing Storage Units attributes
Version 3.4.647 Oct 27, 2009
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Support SWMM5.0.017
Add dry weather flow concentration attribute to the Pollutant editor
Change default dry weather runoff time step from 15 to 5 minutes
Add "WMS" button to the Layer browser for opening Web Map Service layers
Add "Coordinate System" to the Options menu in the Map panel to replace Projection settings
Add "Add to Reporting List" to the Options menu in the Attributes panel
Add "Show acronym" option to layer properties popup editor
Add "Altitude" control to the Google Earth tab in the Preferences dialog
Add "Edit" menu item to the Options menu in the Events Manager for editing event start and stop times manually
Add "Show Cell Borders" to the Options menu in the Table panel
Simplify and expand Map projection and layer projection support
Simplify layer reprojection function
Simplify the setup of PCSWMM's grid computing feature (Grid tab in Preferences dialog)
Support anti-alias in the Map panel (Map tab in the Preferences dialog)
Redesign radar layer properties dialog to support rendering on color index (similar to NEXRAD)
Display user-friendly names in the Attribute panel and the Table panel for base reflectivity radar layers
Remember last opened event file and reload it for the next session
Improve redraw performance in the Table panel
Improve function for auto-selecting events
Improve function for calculating storage required
Improve function for calculating Desbordes runoff
Remove "Map Dimension" menu item from the Options menu in the Map panel
Add Desbordes tab to the Options editor
Add Desbordes design storm to Raingage editor
Fix one bug in the Transect editor that could cause the right bank station from being displayed in the transect plot
Fix one bug in the Area Weighting tool that could throw an exception
Version 3.3.608 Sep 2, 2009
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add overbank layer support in the Transect Creator tool
Add multi-core and grid computing support for generating rainfall time series from NEXRAD radar files
Add function for creating a centroid point layer from a polygon layer (in export layer dialog)
Optimize profile label layout
Optimize opening very large time series files (>500MB) to avoid memory issues
Optimize speed when processing continuous time series in the radar rainfall tool (Raingage editor)
Support output to TSF file in radar rainfall tool (Raingage editor)
Improve control over Google Earth KML file generation (changes to Preferences and Google Earth options popup)
Add default NEXRAD color index rendering of radar rainfall in RAP projects (and Google Earth)
Change Copy Profile to Clipboard dialog to a popup
Change save profile dialog to a popup
Change save graphed locations dialog to a popup
Change export layer dialog to a popup
Attributes panel flow units now based on input file setting rather than output file
Fix bug that may prevent some time series from loading from a HEC-DSS file
Version 3.2.590 August 7, 2009
New features
Support SWMM5.0.016
Add Meander modifier to the Transect editor
Make changes to the Hydrograph editor
Add infiltration attributes to the Storage layer
Make changes to Climatology editor
Support "Evaporation" time series in the output file
Add Set DEM Elevation tool - extracts ground elevations from DEM for node entities
Add the ability to create transects from cut lines on a DEM layer (Transect Creator tool)
Add the ability to save/export time series directly to an Excel file in the Graph panel
Add the ability to customize the balloon content for non-SWMM5 layers for exporting to KML
Add the ability to report tables in Reporting tool
Add Copy/Paste popup menu to the grid in the Hydrograph editor
Add filter function to the Control rules editor
Add "Controls Rule" to the Options menu in the attributes panel - displays only applicable controls for the selected entity
Add "Add POI" to the Options menu in the Attributes panel
Add mouse-over POI picture display to Preview POI feature in the Attributes panel
Add preview results (Analyze) table to the GIS join function
Improve Profile panel
Mouse-over subdued highlighting of entity and label
Highlight selected entity label
Support selecting entity by clicking on the label
Add "Label Lines" option to the Properties dialog in the Profile panel
Improve 2D flood animation in Map panel
Improve Package/Unpackage function
Sort nodes and links alphabetically in the Select New Profile dialog
Pause map animation if the Map panel loses focus
Pause profile animation if the Profile panel loses focus
Version 3.1.565 July 3, 2009
New features
Add new calibration plot capability to the Graph panel for generating computed vs. observed scatter plots and reporting error
Add the ability to save time series to a SWMM5 inflow/outflow interface file in the Graph panel
Add the ability to open a SWMM5 inflow/outflow interface file in the Graph panel
Add the ability to import time series from a SWMM5 inflow/outflow interface file in the Time series editor
Add Export Image… to the Options menu in the Graph panel - supports saving graph as metafile, png, jpg, or bitmap
Add crop options to the Crop Time Series editing functions in the Graph panel
Add Show Title to the Options menu in the Event Manager in the Graph panel
Add New Scenario(s) dialog to support quickly creating multiple event scenarios in the Scenario Manager
Add a new result attribute to the SWMM5 nodes layers: Time of Maximum HGL
Add a new result attribute to the SWMM5 links layers: Time of Maximum Flow
Add Preview POI to the Preview function in the Attributes panel
Add Line style to the general layer properties dialog (not just in the advanced properties editor)
Add default dashed line style for major system conduits in the Dual Drainage Creator
Version 3.0.541 June 1, 2009
Name change (to PCSWMM 2009)
Significant Interface changes
New features
Support EPA SWMM5.0.014
Make changes to the GUI:
Remove top toolbars and add toolbars to each panel
Make changes to the main menu
Remove Clipboard panel and add a Clipboard popup to the Map panel
Remove Overview panel and add it to the Map panel as Overview popup
Remove Layers panel and add it to the Map panel as Layer Manager popup
Merge Preview panel into Attribute panel
Reduce the amount of time the Results outdated flag is thrown
Remember opened time series files between sessions
Simplify inputs in the Projection dialog and the Reproject dialog (allow decimal degree inputs)
Add “Remove Parts…” editor for simplifying multiple parts shapes
Add new Options items and Model inventory to the Project Summary tool
Add Coefficient of determination (Nash-Sutcliffe R2) to the error function
Change Profile properties dialog to a popup editor
Change Graph properties dialog to a popup editor
Improve the Shape Split dialog; add a Resume button
Improve the Project browser, Layer browse and Scenario manager interfaces
Add Sort, Filter and Table Selection buttons to the Table panel
Support sort by double-clicking on a column header in the Table panel
Add Options button to the Time series editor; add “Create Rain Gages” and “Create External Files” to the Options popup menu
Improve the Choose Profile dialog
Add new Profile Options dialog
Copy saved graphs to the new project in save as function (create new scenario)
Add function to import saved graphs from another project (in the Graph panel)
Add function to import saved profiles from another project (in the Profile panel)
Add support for a native PCSWMM time series database (for reading/writing time series to a database)
Add optional mode for adding vertexes when editing/creating polygon or line entities: after active point
Add options to the Preferences dialog; add “Add vertex mode”, “Show tools browser” and "Launch editor on single click"
Display units with attribute names in the Attribute panel
Improve the Layout manager interface
Improve the Event manager interface
Improve the Event selector interface
Improve table display in the Table panel
Single clicking opens Editor for Title, Options, Climatology, Control rules and POI
Remember last accessed tab in the Options and Climatology editor during session
Add code for interpolating rainfall time series
Add Preferences button to the Run scenario dialog (replace Grid button)
Improve delete function in the Table panel
Add warning message for editing function units in the Graph panel
Add a “Save Copy…” command to the Options menu of the Graph panel (replace Save As) when the output file is selected
Change time series tree list to time series manager in the Graph panel
Use spacebar to select/deselect a location in the time series manager in the Graph panel
Add roll back function to a canceled SWMM5 run: restores previous output and report file
Add option “Include SWMM5 results in package” to the package project function
Version 2.18.475 February 27, 2009
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Enhance Google Earth viewer:
Altitude control for exporting layer
Support threshold rendering
Add units to the balloon for SWMM5 layers
Add node scale slider to the Google Earth editor
Add node style to the Google Earth editor (polygons or icons)
Enhance the SRTC tool:
Restore the order of the radio tuning sliders for reloading existing results
Set the order of time series in the tables and legend
Show error functions in the objective function graph
Add support for dragging nodes in Edit mode
Check spaces in names for all editors
Optimize import data speed for empty name field
Add subcatchment Flow length to the Default dialog
Optimize opening of Project browser, Layer browser and Google Earth editor
Improve raingage editor responsiveness for very large rainfall time series
Improve memory handling of very large Time Series objects in the input file
Fix bug in the Projection dialog: changing the map units with auto-length on does not update the subcatchment Area field or conduit Length field correctly
Fix bug in the SRTC tool that can cause incorrect calculation of error function
Fix bug that can cause an exception in the Layer Properties editor
Fix bug that can cause an exception in the Table panel
Fix bug that may cause an exception when opening a HEC-DSS time series
Version 2.17.465 February 13, 2009
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add support for read/write regular-interval time series from/to HEC-DSS database
Add support for multi-subcatchment assigning of rain gages and outlets in the Attribute panel and the Replace tool
Add Graph panel Edit function to aggregate 15 minutes rainfall to one hour rainfall
Enhance Google Earth viewer:
Layer control (specify SWMM5 and other layers)
Entity label control
Individual layer thematic rendering (size, color)
Extrude rendering
Dynamic thematic rendering (animation) of model results
Transparency control
Attribute control (select attributes to be included in balloons)
Match balloon color theme to selected application color theme
Camera angle control
Allow sub-second routing time step in the Options editor
Add Copy headers to the Options menu in the Table panel
Open the Table panel when a SWMM5 layer item is double-clicked in the Project panel
Optimize the Preferences editor
Fix bug that may result in accidentally dragging an entity in the Map panel
Fix bug that can prevent infiltration defaults from being applied to a new project
Fix bug that may prevent node pollutant treatment settings from being changed
Fix bug that can cause an exception when editing attributes in the Table panel
Version 2.16.445 January 16, 2009
Speed optimizations
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Optimize performance with large models
Opening/saving projects
Attribute editing in the Attribute panel and Replace tool
Importing data
Avoid loading attribute value list in the Select by Query tool if layer contains more than 5000 entities
Add entity selection functions
Add Select by Polygon function to select entities based on topological relationships
Add Analyze... function to tabulate results in the Select by Query tool
Add new rendering functionality in the Layer Properties editor: support multi-attribute expressions for the threshold value (e.g. mark all nodes where MaxDepth > GroundElevation - 5ft, etc.)
Add graphical representation of transect cut-lines in the Map panel: see Draw Transects in the Preferences editor (Map tab)
Add new functionality to the Transect editor
Display maximum computed water depth in the transect plot
Highlight selected transects in the Map panel (when transect cut-lines are shown)
Relocate street tab to sub-dialog
Add new functionality to some of the tools
Auto-Connect tool: add two additional options for determining link direction when connecting imported links and nodes
Replace tool: add “Lowest connected conduit” option for replacing node Invert Elevation (Junction and Storage)
Set Invert tool: add option to set junction invert to lowest connected conduit
Add default weir discharge coefficient to the Project Defaults editor
Add ability to set general project settings in the New Project dialog
Add transparency support when exporting the Map to a PNG file
Add confirmation message box for switching flow units and turning on auto-length
Improve function for importing reaches from HEC-RAS
Improve shape editing in the Map panel
Improve handling of SWMM5 projects
Switch to opened project if it is already open when you try to open it again
Add warning if project is currently open by another user
Allow opening of a SWMM5 project created by a later version of PCSWMM, but display warning message
Improve Project Synchronization dialog
Improve compression ratio for packaged projects
Prevent unpackaging a package file if the project is already open
Improve Show Map Selection button in the Graph panel to include selected entities on all SWMM5 layers (not just current layer)
Improve center selection option for point layers by adding “Minimum extent for center selection” to the Preferences dialog
Improve the Paste Special tool and the Open MS Excel / MS Access tools for pasting/opening non-standard time series formats in the Graph panel
Improve entity selection in the Profile panel: keep selection after attribute editing
Improve SRTC calibration tool: use objective function values in the events table and the plot
Improve the Auto-Scroll dialog in the Graph panel (for real-time updating of time series from remote gages)
Improve the Dimensions editor: remove the redundant auto-length function
Improve message box for changing Offsets
Do not allow Auto-Length option to be turned on if map units are not specified
Fix bug in treatment editing: treatment attribute remains NO after assigned
Fix bug in the Project Defaults editor that prevents default conduit cross-section geometric parameters from being assigned
Version 2.15.396 October 31, 2008
New features
Bug fix
Add function to roll back edits to the current project to the start of the session or last auto-saved version (Edit >> Undo).
Add packaging function (File >> Package Project…) to package the current project into a single compressed PCSWMM package file (*.pcz) for ease of transferring projects (e.g. emailing). It has options to include all "other" background layers and other associated SWMM5 files (hotstart, rainfall, etc.) and provides relative file paths to avoid breaking links.
Support unpacking packaged PCSWMM projects in the Open project dialog
Add auto-refresh from file function in the Graph panel to refresh loaded time series when the underlying file is updated by an external program
Add Auto-scroll function in the Graph panel (part of real-time data acquisition and modeling support).
Improve input file synchronization to enable updating the SWMM5 GIS layers from an externally edited SWMM5 input file without losing user-defined GIS layer attributes. This provides more seamless support for editing SWMM5 input files outside of PCSWMM.
Refresh Table panel after an object is deleted in the editors
Represent rectangular orifice cross-connections and all weir cross-connections as rectangular shapes in the Profile panel
Update the South Africa SCS design storms distributions in the Design Storm Creator
Add check to ensure street name does not contain spaces in the Transect editor when the Create button is clicked
Optimize manual pathway selection in Map panel: explicitly clicking a link should keep the link in the profile, regardless of pathway priority setting
Add support for negative baseline and/or average values in Inflows editor
Fix bug in exporting subcatchment polygon layers to DXF files
Version 2.14.375 October 3, 2008
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add Event analysis tab to the Graph panel and the Calibration tool
Auto-select events from selected time series
Open/save events from/to an event file
Add/remove event to/from event table
Support copy to clipboard function
Support sort by clicking column header
Clicking an event in the table to select it in the graph
Double clicking an event in the table to zoom into it in the graph
Add “Show Events” option to mark events in the plot
Add “Select Period from Event Table” option
Enable objective calibration graph in the Calibration tool for calibrating multiple event objective functions
Add open observed time series function in the Calibration tool
Implement new error function calculations for objective calibration graph
Optimize multiple time series loading for the Calibration tool, Select all function in the Graph panel and Map panel plan-view animation
Optimize function for opening NCDC rainfall files
Make changes to option dialog for saving to NCDC rainfall file format
Extend selection to include inlet/outlet nodes of links when creating sub model
Save Graph panel's "Link to selection" settings as an application setting, as opposed to a project-specific setting
Implement new select functions for mouse click selection and rectangle selection in the Map panel:
Shift key: select all touched shapes on all unlocked layers
Ctrl key: add all touched shapes to the current selection in current layer (do not clear selection)
Shift + Ctrl keys: add all touched shapes on all unlocked layers to the current selection
Make changes to the activation form
Fix bug in hot spot pop-up in the Graph panel
Fix bug in Run Scenarios in parallel: profile is not refreshed
Version 2.13.364 September 18, 2008
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add Average function to the Transect editor for aggregating multiple transects
Add SRTC calibration tool for automated model calibration of any parameter
Add rainfall time series disaggregation tool for disaggregating long term, coarse time step rainfall records to high temporal resolution
Add support for importing directly from dBASE databases
Add support in the Graph tool for opening Canadian AES and CMC format rainfall data
Add check to prevent user from reversing link direction if the outlet node is an outfall
Optimize the Query Builder editor (in the Select by Query dialog)
Add “All SWMM5 layers” option to the Select By Query dialog to apply SQL queries to multiple SWMM5 GIS layers simultaneously
Add column sort button to the Table panel toolbar and Options menu
Accept time series names with an “ (obs)” suffix when loading observed head in the Profile panel
Add support for varying JPEG compression when exporting map image to JPEG files
Optimize the Export to Image dialog
Fix bug in the Cross Section editor related to Filled_Circular shape
Fix bug in Submodel creator related to converting the downstream node to an outfall
Version 2.12.339 August 7, 2008
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
New features in the Table panel:
Modify Table panel toolbar
Support uncertainty estimation and thematic cell rendering: add Show Uncertainty button and Uncertainty Picker control; save uncertainty values in the SWMM5 project file (.chi)
Change row selection to cell selection; support multiple cell selection
Support select, replace, delete, copy and paste multiple cells
Remove empty rows and columns when copying multiple cells to clipboard
Include column headers when copying multiple cells
Support clicking on column header to select all cells in the column (hold Control/Shift key down to select multiple columns)
Support ascending/descending sort on multiple columns, with priority
Save individual sort order for each table between sessions
Add three columns for Hydrograph table (Initial Abstraction Parameters)
Add Active column to SWMM5 object tables - indicates if the object is in use by the model
Add Edit column to SWMM5 object tables to launch Editor for the selected object
Add tables for time series and curves objects
Add context sensitive popup menus in Table panel
Arrange columns in SWMM5 layers to match order in Attributes panel
Add units to column headers for SWMM5 layers
Hide non-applicable infiltration attributes in subcatchment table
Switch to the Map panel when Flash button is clicked
Changes to the Graph panel:
Add “Max Outflow” text box to the Storage function tab
Remove vertical zoom; change “Link to Selection” popup menu to a popup window
Remove scenario tab in the Properties editor;
Support Esc key to cancel “Select All” function
Changes to SWMM5 layer fields:
Rename “MaxFlow” to “FlowLimit” in Conduit layer
Rename “MaxRptFlow” to “MaxFlow” in all link layers
Rename “MaxDepth” to “Depth” in Junction, Divider and Storage layer
Rename “MinFlow” to “MinDivFlow”, “MaxFloDepth” to “MaxDivDepth” in Divider layer
Rename “MaxRptDepth” to “MaxDepth” in all node layers
Support uncertainty estimation and visualization for all SWMM5 model numeric attributes and parameters
Add support for importing transects and reaches (conduits/nodes) from HEC RAS geometry files
Add optimized default layouts for single monitor and dual monitors
Add bar plot option to the Attribute frequency distribution analysis tool
Add Summary/Comparison tool to the Tools Browser as a Tool
Add Quantitative Uncertainty section to the Summary/Comparison tool
Enhance attribute/parameter validation in the Table panel and the Attribute panel for SWMM5 entities/objects
Set F5 as short cut key for SWMM5 run
Disable plowable "Depth at 100% Cover" in the Snowpack editor; remove it from the Table panel
Make changes to the Profile panel: always check node obvert elevation (adjust it if it is less than conduit crown elevation)
Make changes to the AutoConnect tool summary: list disconnected links only
Make changes to the Import function for GIS/CAD sources: enforce attribute connectivity in Map panel (if provided)
Expand descriptions for SWMM5 entities (Results section) in the Attribute panel
Remove non-applicable result fields in the SWMM5 link layers when opening an older SWMM5 project
Make changes to Paste function to keep applicable attributes and connected links when cutting and pasting nodes between SWMM5 node layers (i.e. converting nodes from one type to another via cut and paste)
Make changes to select pathway to include entity type
Improve fly-over labeling in the Map panel
Optimize display of title in the Profile panel when copying or printing
Fix bug in the Option editor: time step is not saved after Enter key is pressed
Fix bug in the Curve editor: could not handle large number of data points (more than 100)
Fix bug in draw outlet lines in the subcatchment layer: sometime program hangs if outlet node is not found
Fix bug in Transect editor: street transect is not plotted correctly if Elevation Modifiers is not zero
Fix bug in run scenarios: program crashes if scenario input file does not exist
Fix bug in restructure GIS layer dialog: deleting a field and then creating a new field with the same name does not change field type
Fix bug in Pipe sizing tool: Geom1 can be set to zero for non-circular conduits
Version 2.11.309 - Beta June 20, 2008
New features
interface changes
Bug fixes
Add ability to create submodels from a larger 'macro' model
Add support for merging SWMM5 projects to create a larger 'macro' model
Add support for importing specific sections only from an external SWMM5 project
Add Attribute Frequency Distribution analysis to the Engineering Audit tools
Add new function to Set Invert tool to set node invert elevations to the lowest connected conduit elevation
Add project specific inter-session memory for last browsed folder in all 38 Open/Save dialogs
Add context sensitive color-coding in the Details panel (input file comment lines and section titles)
Improve design of the profile properties dialog
Support custom labeling in the Profile panel (both nodes and links)
Support multiple initial nodes or links in the Select Upstream function
Improve Select New Pathway dialog in the Profile panel
Add Pathway Priority/Selection… item under Edit >> Select By sub-menu
Save pathway priority settings for each project
Disable graphically editing conduit length in the Profile panel
Leave current active panel as is when switching scenarios
Remember Scenario mode settings in Graph and Profile panels when switching scenarios
Turn on Scenario mode whenever the scenario popup appears
Display same profile when switching scenarios (where possible)
Make changes to the Add to Time Series Editor function in the Graph panel to support selected time periods
Set Node Inflows and Treatment attributes to read only in the Table panel
Improve highlighting of selected cell and its column header in Table panel
Improve Replace operation support for the Table panel
Improve the Replace tool's summary statements
Fix bug in Export to Image function: the subcatchment to outlet links are not exported
Fix bug in Set Width tool: Flow length is not updated if Update flow length is not checked in the Preferences editor
Fix bug in Convert Shape function: Inflow and treatment settings are not kept after conversion
Fix bug in Treatment editor: the Details panel should be updated after treatment is edited
Fix bug in Dual Drainage Creator: link’s inlet/outlet offset is not correct when Offset is set to Elevation
Fix bug in drawing the link between subcatchments and their outlets that can occasionally hang the application or result in invisible subcatchments when the display link option is on and a subcatchment does not have an existing node specified as its outlet (2.11.309)
Version 2.10.290 - Beta May 30, 2008
New features
Minor interface changes
Bug fixes
Support priority options in choosing new profile pathway (i.e. open channel vs. closed conduit, etc.) to ease profile selection in dual drainage models
Support opening SWMM5 layers from other projects as background layers
Improve animation of the playback line in the Graph panel
Optimize the Split shape tool
Allow scenarios to run in parallel when the Volunteer option is not selected in the Grid preferences.
Modify the Select Upstream function to include subcatchments
Remember previous field matches in the Import Data tool and automatically re-establish them
Highlight and summarize matched fields in the Import Data field matching tables
Validate Reporting/Wet/Dry time step Days parameter when opening SWMM5 models not created in PCSWMM
Write dry weather inflow average value to the DWF section of the input file even if DWF patterns are not assigned
Fix bug that may prevent the profile from being displayed if the application is launched by double-clicking a project file in Windows Explorer
Fix bug that prevents the Save Project As dialog from appearing if the project is located directly in the root folder of a hard drive (i.e. c:\ )
Fix bug that can cause the Area Weighting tool to throw an exception
Fix bug that can prevent node Inflow type and Mass Units Conversion Factor parameters from being saved in the Inflows section of the input file
Version 2.09.283 - Beta May 21, 2008
Significant new features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add dynamic rendering (animation) of any SWMM5 result time series in the Map panel, including gradient rendering (entity color and size) and threshold flagging (e.g. highlighting surcharged nodes, flooded nodes, etc.)
Add optimized layer properties editor and animation properties editor for quick setup of layer properties, static attribute rendering, and dynamic time series rendering
Add new playback controls in the Profile panel and Map panel.
Add a new Flow Length attribute to subcatchments layer, used to calculate Width attribute (where Width = Area / Flow Length)
Add a check box to Preferences dialog to control which attribute (Width or Flow Length) to change when subcatchment Area is changed
Add new items and sections to the Project Summary/Comparision tool
Display flow arrows for link layers, this option can be changed via the Preferences dialog
Re-design the Preferences dialog
Re-design the Set Width tool
Support save/load default projection in the Projection editor
Improve the design of all pop-up editors such as project browser, layer browser and tool browser
Set read only attributes in Rain gage Editor according to data source type
Display total progress for loading animation time series in the Map panel and the Profile panel
Fix bug that can prevent Node inflows from being updated if inflow field is changed directly in the Attributes panel as opposed to the Inflows editor
Fix bug in Replace function that can prevent the current Profile from being refreshed
Version 2.08.260 - Beta April 18, 2008
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add new attribute Slope to the SWMM5 Conduits layer
Add South Africa SCS 24h storm distributions (beta version only - needs verification) to Design Storm Creator
Add Back button to Set Slope tool
Rename SHAPE attribute to XSECTION in both Conduit and Orifice layers to avoid conflict with ArcGIS
Simplify computational grid set-up in the Preferences dialog
Optimize Pipe Sizing tool: check CIRCULAR conduits only when checking upstream diameters
Fix bug in Map panel that may cause links to look disconnected from one or more adjoining nodes
Fix bug in Storage function that can prevent the peak flow threshold from updating when switching functions
Fix bug in Graph panel that can prevent the previous selection from being cleared when opening a new project
Fix bug in Climatology editor: Start Reading File date in Temperature tab can not be edited
Version 2.07.253 - Beta April 09, 2008
Significant new features
Interface changes
Speed optimizations
Bug fixes
Switch to SWMM5 version 5.0.013
Add link offset option (Depth or Elevation); the setting can be changed in the Project Default dialog or the status bar
Move Flow Units from the Options dialog to the status bar
Add new validation check in the Snow pack editor
Restructure Orifice, Weir and Outlet SWMM5 layers to include Inlet Offset attribute
Add new result attributes to SWMM5 layers
Add scenario analysis features
Add scenario manager tool bar, which switches between scenarios and/or adds, removes and creates scenarios
Add run scenarios to Run SWMM5 tool bar, which runs scenarios in parallel (utilizing either multiple cores in current computer or a grid of computers)
Add Grid tab to the Preferences dialog to support grid computing
Change Project >> Summary to scenario Summary/Comparison tool
Plot multiple scenario HGL lines in the Profile panel
Plot multiple scenario time series in the Graph panel
Add multi-window support in the Details panel
Add multi-window support in the Status panel
Expand Profile panel functionality
Add tool bars at the top
Add Scenario tab to the Profile properties dialog
Support multiple dynamic HGLs with non-synchronized time steps if scenario button is on
Anti-alias the profile plot and improve gradient fill
Optimize labeling
Expand Graph panel functionality
Add tool bars at the top
Add Scenario tab to the properties dialog
Plot scenario time series if scenario button is on
Move properties editor to a new Graph panel Properties dialog
Remove Back Color, Fore Color and Max Selection in the properties editor
Add a new property: Separate Y Axis to control Y-axis divisions
Add support for saving and recalling favorite graphs (plotted locations) and/or scatter plots (in a similar fashion to the Profile panel)
Add Show Selection and Add to Time Series Editor menu items
Always plot rainfall time series at the top, and reduce vertical space for rainfall axis when plotted with other time series
Expand both Details and Status panel functionality
Add tool bar at the top
Add scenario picker combo box
Support split window (either vertically or horizontally)
Support book marks for quick navigation between different sections in either panel
Add support to open custom formatted time series directly from Microsoft Excel or Access files (Office 2007, 2003 and earlier all supported).
Support undo/redo for moving an entity in the Map panel
Add ability to de-select all entities in the Map panel by pressing the Esc key
Merge parts into one part if a link entity contains multiple shape parts (during import)
Support importing nodes from source layers defined as multipoint
Reverse link vertex order automatically to match upstream to downstream convention (during import)
Display link between subcatchment and its outlet node, this option and line color can be changed via the Preferences dialog
Optimize Time series editor for loading large time series files
Check pollutant and land use names when an SWMM5 input file is opening
Add “Getting Started…” menu item under help menu
Make aesthetic changes to the POI pop-up
Improve the snap-to function when drawing/editing subcatchment shapes (to include snapping the first vertex)
Make a correction to the illustration of Trapezoidal conduit side slopes in the Cross-Section editor and Preview panel
Fix bug in Landuse editor: Non point source will not be created if landuse is created before pollutant
Fix bug in Auto-connect tool: intermediate link vertices should not be lost if inlet or outlet node is empty
Fix bug for calculating mean value for MGD and MLD units in Objective functions
Version 2.06.211 February 11, 2008
New features
Interface changes
Bug fix
Add option for drawing left & right transect over banks in the Profile panel
Add option for displaying conduit upstream and downstream invert elevations in the Profile panel
Display rectangular shaped conduit cross-connections as rectangles in the Profile panel
Fix bug in Save As function that can prevent application switching to the saved project.
Version 2.05.203 January 30, 2008
New features
Interface changes
Speed optimizations
Bug fixes
Add scenario comparison to the Profile panel - plot/animate multiple scenario results simultaneously
Add 5 & 6 min. time step options for SCS 24h Type II design storms in the Design Storm Creator
Add SCS 48h Type II design storm to the Design Storm Creator
Add ability to use attribute data from another layer in the Replace tool
Add option to use flow divider inlet control or no inlet control in the Dual-Drainage Creator tool, also add option to re-route subcatchment runoff to created major system entities, and add surcharge depth to minor system nodes.
Add dropdown list for Subcatchment Outlets in the Attribute panel
Add preview functionality (Analyze...) and reporting to all Wizard and Calculator tools (except Replace tool)
Optimize performance for the Select Orphans, Select by Slope, Pipe Sizing, and the Auto-connect tool
Change HGL & EGL line color to blue & red, respectively in the Profile panel
Display time of peak for each node for peak values in the Profile panel
Avoid displaying red highlights (circles) in Profile panel when surcharge depth is specified and not exceeded and/or allow ponding option is on
Add ability to select cross-connection link entity in the Profile panel (click on the oval while holding shift key down)
Improve Profile panel plotting for transect conduits: node ground elevation now set to node invert el. + max. depth of all transects (where transect depths exceed node max. depth)
Add support for simultaneously opening multiple layers in Layer Browser
Add ability to read more than one data point per line from Curves section (i.e. non-tabular data)
Add ability to adjust vertex order for line shapes to match upstream to downstream convention for links
Add option to prevent application for checking default application for .inp (in Preferences)
Add ability to lock panels (in View >> Layout, and in Preferences)
Add context-sensitive help button to the Software Activation dialog
Add additional context sensitive help throughout application (F1 key)
Many smaller interface improvements and optimizations
Fix bug in Import Data function that could prevent importing from Excel
Fix bug in Layer Browser: exception occurs if you select a layer that doesn’t exist
Fix bug that can prevent updating results attributes
Version 2.04.170 December 7, 2007
New features
Minor interface changes
Bug fixes
Add "Show profile" checkbox in the Select by Slope and Attribute Validation tools (next to the Center selection checkbox) - displays the selected entity in the profile panel.
Add "Reverse Link" pop-up menu item when right-clicking inside a conduit in the Profile panel - switches inlet and outlet nodes
Add a "Reverse Link" button to reverse the conduit direction (switch inlet and outlet node) in the Select by Slope tool (lower left corner). This applies to all selected entities in the results table
Add "Reverse Link" and "Show Profile" pop-up menu items when right-clicking on a SWMM5 entity in the Map panel
Add "Convert", "Reverse" and "Show Profile" menu items to the Shape menu
Improve Profile panel graphical editing - add support for holding shift key down to maintain conduit invert elevation when adjusting node invert elevation
Add Dummy conduit type to Cross-Section editor
Improve the Save Validation Set functionality in the Validation tool
Improve the Synchronize extent option in the Table panel for a single point: move the point to the middle of the map
Fix bug that can leave red/yellow highlight around a point shape when flashing the entity from Table panel.
Fix bug in the Profile panel that may hide cross connection ovals
Hide error message if Windows Vista security settings prevent registering PCSWMM as default application for .inp files
Remove customization ability for toolbars
Version 2.03.152 November 13, 2007
New features
Bug fixes
Add functions to pipe sizing tool for aligning obverts, preventing downstream pipes from being assigned smaller diameters, adjusting node inverts as appropriate and previewing changes
Add support to average overland flow path lengths in Set Width tool if there are more than one flow path defined for a subcatchment
Add a minimum vertices check for creating/editing non-SWMM5 layer line/polygon shapes
Add flash, select and deselect support in the Table panel for non-SWMM5 layers
Fix bug in Profile panel: profile is not displayed if the application is started by double-clicking an .inp file
Fix bug in Profile panel: save profile button is disabled under certain circumstances
Version 2.02.143 October 31, 2007
Significant new features
Minor interface changes
Bug fixes
Add scatter plot capability with trend line/curve, correlation and significance
Add new Layer Reprojection tool for converting any supported vector layer between any of the 26 supported projections and 50 supported datums
Add new Projection dialog to enable users to specify model projection (datum, projection, and units for use with the View in Google Earth feature)
Add ability to view any model or any vector layer, in any supported projection, in Google Earth with one button click (using behind-the-scenes on-the-fly reprojection to geodetic lat. / long).
Add Slope listing to conduit display in Profile panel
Add user-definable snap tolerance (2 - 20px) to Preferences dialog
Add Set Surcharge Elev. tool for determining and storing surcharge threshold as a node attribute, which enables thematically mapping surcharging nodes
Add Show Project Browser on Startup option to Preferences dialog
Add View >> Refresh menu to refresh GIS map
Change toolbar button icons for Tools and Circle measure
Change location of Map units from Map Dimension dialog to Projection dialog
Optimize Resize Layer dialog; add Scale to Current Extent button
Set Save Layer dialog default folder to the folder where the layer exists
Store the auto-length setting for individual projects
Remove spaces when entering names in the Profile panel drop-down combo box
Fix bug in pasting shapes function
Fix bug in Profile Property dialog that may prevent updating results
Fix bug that may prevent toolbar button tool tips from appearing
Fix bug in Defaults dialog for setting default conduit shape
Fix bug in Option dialog that can cause [Files] section lines to duplicate
Version 2.01.131 October 15, 2007
Significant new features
Minor interface changes
Add support for importing data from Microsoft Excel, Access, text/csv and virtually all database formats and database servers (through OLE DB and ODBC)
Add Tools Browser for managing the new Engineering Audit, Wizards and Calculator tools - also relocate existing tools to Tools menu
Add Validation tool for model QA/QC
Add Select By Slope tool for model QA/QC
Add Set Invert tool to fill in missing data
Add Set Ground (Rim) tool to fill in missing data
Add Dual Drainage Creator tool to automatically rough in major system
Add Street creator to Transect editor for dual drainage modeling
Add the Outfall Loading Summary table info to the Outfall layer Results attributes
Add “Remove Multiple…” to the popup menu in the layer panel for removing multiple layers simultaneously
Add Show totals option in Objective Functions tab of the Graph panel
Show SWMM5 specific area units (acres or hectares) in the Shape section of the Attributes dialog for any polygon if Map units are specified
Saved profile to the SWMM input file as list of links for SWMM5 GUI compatibility
Change pathway routine to find the shortest path (for Profile selecting)
Update profile when the depth of a conduit is changed in the Cross-Section dialog
Change function of Delete key when editing the shape of an entity, now deletes selected vertex instead of entity
Plot Storage Curve from (0,0) if none is supplied
Optimize Run SWMM5 procedure
Version September 21, 2007
New features
Bug fixes
Add ability to specify intermediate nodes or links when selecting profile pathways
Add option to avoid outlet links while selecting profile pathways (for major/minor system profile viewing)
Add ability to animate observed data in the Profile panel
Add ability to specify image size / resolution in the export map image function
Add support for exporting pixel layers to other formats with resolution control
Add functionality for middle mouse button double-click to zoom to full extent
Add ability to pan map when in Measure mode
Add South African “Umlanga Rocks 1hr Type II” design storm to Raingage editor
Add total flow objective function calculation for MGD, GPM, l/s, Ml/s time series
Add ability to copy data from the Raingage Editor's Design Storm Creator table
Add ability for custom units to be entered in the Graph Panel's Properties dialog
Add support for duplicate IDs in Timeseries (.tsf) files
Add command to remove multiple layers from the Map all at once
Optimize speed for adding multiple layers at once
Optimize speed for loading large (100+ MB) vector layers
Fix Attributes panel help system units for Baseline and Average Value attributes
Fix intermittent bug in Profile panel that may cause the profile to disappear
Fix intermittent bug in Profile panel related to drag-and-drop editing of conduits
Version September 14, 2007
Support SWMM5.0.011
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Changes to support SWMM5.0.011
Add Shape Curve to project tree list
Add two new attributes (“StartUp” and “ShutOff”) to Pump layer
Add one new attribute (“ORate”) to Orifice layer
Add one new attribute (“ShapeCurve”) to Conduit layer
Add support for Shape Curve in Curve Editor
Add support for Force Main and Custom Shape in Xsection editor
Add “Node Ponded Area” and “Force Main Equation” to project defaults editor (Nodes/Links tab)
Add Auto-length check box and Flow Units label to status bar
Create new fields automatically when earlier projects are opened
Make changes to Options editor
Make changes to Hydrograph editor
Make changes to reading .inp file functions to support new attributes for Hydrograph, Pump, Orifice, Weir, Curve and Options sections.
Make changes to writing .inp file functions
Change Node result attribute “Total Flooding” to “Max Vol. Ponded”
Update Raingage attribute for subcatchments after raingage name is changed
Make changes to Map Dimension Editor; support auto-update of lengths and areas for all Conduits and Subcatchments
Rearrange some commands to emulate EPA SWMM5 menu
Other features
Add auto-length feature. Update area for subcatchment after it is created or edited; update length for conduit after it is created or edited; update length for conduits connected to a node when the node is moved, or multiple nodes are moved
Add support for decimal degree map units in Set Area/Length and auto-length functions
Add circle measure function - useful for area reduction factors for design storms.
Add Select Orphans tool to select nodes that are not connected to any links, links that have invalid inlet or outlet nodes and subcatchments that have invalid outlet attributes
Add Resize raster layer function under Layer menu, it supports drag-and-drop moving and scaling of raster/pixel layers (i.e. georeferencing). Hold shift key down to confine layer repositioning to vertical or horizontal axis, or to keep proportions while scaling layer
Add Copy and Paste popup menu to Pattern editor
Add checkbox to synchronize Start Reporting date with Start Analysis date in Options editor
Add duration textbox to Dates in Options editor to streamline setting the duration of simulation
Add “No to All” button and Offset to Paste SWMM5 entities function in order to support copying existing entities into the same layer.
Add support for simultaneous importing of time series from multiple files into the Time series Editor
Add support for importing data to user-defined attributes in SWMM layers
Add support for IDs containing spaces in .tsf files
Add Backdrop menu item under View menu (for SWMM5 compatibility)
Read SWMM5 backdrop image section and load as layer; priority for backdrop extent is: 1. world coordinates file (if exists), 2. SWMM5 backdrop image section extent definition
When a pixel layer is added to project, set it to SWMM5 backdrop section if backdrop is empty
Optimize Control editor, add Copy, Paste and Delete commands for rules
Optimize grid editing in Time series, Curve and Transect editors
Optimize Replace function to improve speed with large data sets
Refresh units in attribute panel after Flow unit is changed in Option editor or Project Defaults editor or Paste Options section
Other minor interface changes
Fix bug in animation of profile related to stack overflow
Fix bug in Inflow Editor: assigning base line flow only caused error in SWMM run
Fix bug in Export selected shapes: should not export all shapes
Fix bug in Point of Interest (POI) editor related to embedded web browser
Fix bug in Recent Project list: wrong ordering
Fix rare bug in editors related to creating new entities
Version August 29, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add Hurricane Hazel and Timmins design storms to Design Storm Creator
Add standard circular pipe size selection to Cross-Section editor
Add standard circular pipe size selection to Profile panel's editing functions
Add dedicated Set Area/Length tool to compute area attribute for subcatchments or length attribute for conduits, accounting for the conversion from map units to model units
Add dedicated Set Max. Depth tool to compute Max. Depth attribute for junctions, dividers or storage units, based on ground elevation data
Add dedicated Set Width tool to compute Width attributes for subcatchments, based on length of overland flow path
Add option to DWF Pattern Creator to require a minimum of 2 data points
Add function to DWF Pattern Creator to ignore outliers
Add support zoom history in the Graph and Profile panels
Add support mouse wheel zoom in the Graph and Profile panels
Add Shift + mouse wheel functionality to scroll X axis (Time) when zoomed-in in Graph panel
Add Shift + mouse wheel functionality to scroll up and down pathway when zoomed-in in Profile panel
Add option for preview plotting of .dat file time series in Raingage Editor
Add support in the Timeseries Editor's Import time series function to read date formats that don’t match the operating system date format
Optimize speed for importing entities
Optimize speed in loading Timeseries (.tsf) files
Optimize speed in reading and saving rain gage data (.dat) files
Improve profile editing in Profile panel
Modify New Project dialog
Modify auto-numbering of entities to use first available number
Modify Replace Editor to provide graphical notification of operation completion
Modify Option Editor's Set simulation period function to handle time series that have no dates (e.g. design storms)
Modify the RDII Hydrographs editor to improve month selection
Modify Graph panel to ensure Timeseries (.tsf) files are always saved with the operating system date format
Optimize loading of .dat files in Raingage Editor
Modify View in Google Earth function to notify user if Google Earth not installed
Fix bug in pipe sizing routine for non-default flow units (e.g. LPS, GPD, etc.)
Fix bug in Profile panel that can result in blank profile plot
Fix bug in Control Editor
Fix bug in sorting columns alphabetically or numerically in Table panel
Fix bug in Cross-Section Editor related to Modified Basket Handle shape selection
Fix bug in Project Notes & Documents related to paragraph breaks in RTF notes
Fix spurious error message after SWMM run (reading results from report file)
Version June 22, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add Import function to Transects editor to ease creating multiple transects
Add Auto-Connect function to Edit > Tools menu for setting connectivity (link inlet and outlet node attributes) automatically (based on nearest node)
Add Set Offset function to Edit > Tools menu for computing inlet/outlet offsets from pipe invert elevation data (relative to node invert elevation)
Move Pipe Sizing function to Edit > Tools menu (originally in Replace dialog)
Add Apportion function to Replace dialog for numeric attributes
Add Reactivate function to Help menu to ease license changes
Redesign user interface in all Tools dialogs
Fix bug in printing Details and Status texts
Fix bug in select upstream function
Fix frozen docking panel problem
Fix bug in plotting transect
Version June 14, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Official release
Add Modified Chicago Method design storm in Raingage editor
Add "SCS 6hr" design storm in Raingage editor
Add option "Current profile only" to Set Slope function
Add option "Upstream only" to Set Slope function
Add Update menu item to Help menu to ease checking for updates
Display correct height and width for standard elliptical and arch pipe shapes in Profile and Preview panels.
Remove "Link to Selection" from Graph property grid
Full Extent button (on tool bar) provides full zoom out capability in Graph and Profile panels
Redesign Run SWMM5 simulation progress panel to provide more insight
Remove Calibration Data menu item from Project menu as PCSWMM calibration and error analysis tools supersede it.
Version June 8, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add attributes to SWMM5 layers for computed results
Add support for creating SCS, Huff, AES and Chicago design storms
Add redraw optimization options to Preferences dialog
Add status bar to indicate the status of SWMM5 results
Add Clear All menu item to the Graph panel Options menu
Add Link to Selection menu item to the Graph panel Options menu
Modify routine for creating Daily and Monthly time patterns from DWF
Improve the selection of profile pathways using arrow keys
Fix bug in handling layout files
Version June 1, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add tab for creating design storms in the Raingage editor
Draw call out to the POI panel, optimize the size and location of the POI panel
Add enhanced tool tips to buttons in toolbar
Fix bug related to missing buttons in toolbar
Fix bug that could cause missing entities when synchronizing from input file
Fix bug in Error function in Graph panel
Remove Revert shape button
Version May 25, 2007
Interface changes
Speed optimization
Bug fixes
Add Paste function to POI panel.
Improve routine for deriving daily and monthly time patterns from time series.
Replace spaces in text fields (e.g. entity names) with underscores when importing SWMM entities from GIS sources.
Optimize deleting function in Time Series editor, Time Pattern editor, Hydrograph editor, Aquifer editor and Transect editor for large numbers of objects.
Fix bug that could result in Option dialog settings reverting to defaults.
Fix flickering problems in POI panel.
Fix bug in selecting pathway by keyboard using the Ctrl key in connection with arrow keys.
Version May 22, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Speed optimization
Bug fixes
Add events to Graph panel to support multiple selection
Add time patterns creator tab to Graph panel, which can create Dry Weather Inflow (DWI) time patterns from plotted "Flow" time series. It will assign DWI attributes to nodes which have the same name as time series.
Add consolidate function in Time Pattern editor
Add new functions to Area Weighting for calculating polygon layer attributes from point layers (including operations Sum, Mean, Minimum and Maximum) and calculating point layer attributes from polygon layers (including operations Replace and Distributes)
Add Stop button to Profile panel
Optimize reading SWMM5 input file
Optimize refresh tree list routine in Graph control
Apply some new icons
Add ability to view password protected FTP server content directly in Point of Interest (POI) panel
Fix bug in Project Notes & Documents editor
Fix bug in saving Point Of Interest (POIs)
Fix bug in adding shapes to non-SWMM5 layer
Version May 11, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add ten new fields to Node layers to handle Inflow data
Add Layer Browser, which displays recently opened layer thumbnails
Remove 'New' and 'Delete' button in layer toolbar
Limit editing in Profile panel to Edit mode only
Fix bug in open SWMM5 rain gage rainfall data file (*.dat)
Fix bug in saving newly created layer
Use Ctrl+A to select all shapes in current layer while table panel is active
Version May 4, 2007
New features
Speed optimization
Bug fixes
Add open project browser showing recent project thumbnails and news
Add convert function for SWMM5 entities (convert between node types, etc)
Associate PCSWMM as default application for SWMM5 input (.inp) files
Optimize reading SWMM5 output (.out) file: report progress in status bar
Dbl-click Graph in Preview panel will display the time series in Graph panel.
Fix problems in Xsection editor when multiple conduits are selected.
Fix bugs in shape split/union functions.
Bug fix: switching layers while adding a new subcatchment caused errors
Version April 27, 2007
New features
Speed optimization
Minor interface changes
Bug fixes
Display input geometry features in Preview panel for Outfall entity type
Display Width/Area relationship of selected Subcatchment entity as a rectangle in Preview panel; illustrate pervious, impervious and zero detention storage impervious area in the rectangle as well
Fix problem for displaying Junction input in Preview panel
Use Ctrl key in conjunction with Arrow keys to select a pathway
Redesign all cross-section illustrations for Conduits
Apply new toolbar icons to improve clarity, especially at small resolutions
Improve speed for rectangle select function, moving multiple shapes function, rectangle measure function, direct select function
Version April 20, 2007
New features
Interface changes
Bug fixes
Add graphing support for SWMM5 Raingages files (*.dat)
Add support to travel through Nodes and Links in the map using arrow keys, switch between Node and Link traveling by holding shift key down
Add Preview panel
Display input geometry features in Preview panel for Junctions, Storage units, Conduits, Pumps, Orifices and Weirs
Display selected Timeseries (Graph) in Preview panel for all SWMM5 entities
Optimize reading NCDC files
Fix bug in saving NCDC files
Redesign Xsection Editor: improved graphics (with dimensions) for some conduit types, display selected transect graph
Fix problem with false Ctrl-key down
Add user name and license number to About dialog
Fix bug in Pollutant and Landuse Editor
Version April 13, 2007
New features
Minor interface changes
Bug fixes
Add read/write support for NCDC DSI-3240/3260 rainfall time series
Support custom date format for time series in Paste Special form
Make changes to Open Time Series dialog file type filter
Open Time Series now supports paste special function - "Open Custom Format"
Warning for out of chronological order in DateTime in paste special function
Fix bug in Graph tool for displaying Objective/Error/Storage function
Fix bug in Transect/Curve/Timeseries editor (multiple selection problem)
About PCSWMM form should not be shown as topmost
Re-order Edit menu
Re-design New Layer form and Dimension form
Set default layer state to Unlock when a new layer is created
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